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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000142Dwarf FortressMap Featurespublic2012-04-06 19:03
ReporterBrandon816 Assigned To 
PrioritylowSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000142: Volcanoes' left sides can protrude buggily above slopes -- height check not symmetrical?
DescriptionCompared to 40d, volcanoes now retain the same shape every z-level, and the obsidian barrier that, in 40d, would extend a few tiles outward from the volcano is now only 1 tile thick. This may or may not be by design, so I'm not sure if it is a bug or not.

Volcanoes whose rightmost edge is at the TOP of the mountain extend above ground, whereas volcanoes whose rightmost edge is at the bottom of a slope (mostly) correctly create a "pit" on the rest of the upward slope
Tagsmagma pipe, volcanoes


has duplicate 0000308 closeduser6 Volcano tubes extend above ground 



2010-04-02 11:21

reporter   ~0000243

Confirmed on two worldgens and two fortresses with a volcano.


2010-04-02 12:17

reporter   ~0000255

Confirmed. Also, the magma chamber stays vertical even when the mountain leans, making said chamber stick out of the ground like a giant obsidian tube filled with magma


2010-04-03 01:14

reporter   ~0000454

I would also like to add that in the few worlds I have generated (3 smaller, 1 medium), each world had only 1 single visible volcano in the entire world.


2010-04-08 12:50

reporter   ~0002130

Confirmed, from Z level 54 to z level 156 I have a nice tall lava pipe, which holds exactly the same shape at every single level. It may even extend further down but some sort of obstruction I can't actually see interrupts my view of the pipe at the bottom 20 levels or so.


2010-04-08 13:05

reporter   ~0002132

The obstruction is the magma sea.


2010-04-10 08:54

reporter   ~0002579

Confirmed. For some fun before it (likely) gets fixed: puncture the tube. Flood the world with magma.


2010-04-10 09:06

reporter   ~0002582

my first guess would be that it is the magma sea yes, but since I didn't go down there to look and reveal was crashing on me, I didn't say for sure.

What was funny to me was that after 30 or so level down, I stopped being able to see the walls of the pipe, only the magma.


2010-04-23 09:40

reporter   ~0004718

I think I have figured out the cause of the volcano tubes that extend out of the ground like a straw!

Volcanoes whose rightmost edge is at the TOP of the mountain extend above ground, whereas volcanoes whose rightmost edge is at the bottom of a slope (mostly) correctly create a "pit" on the rest of the upward slope.

My guess is that when the volcano gets placed, somewhere the algorithm mistakenly uses the x-coordinate rather than the z-coordinate to determine how deep the volcano tube should be.

I hope this gets fixed - it is a real deterrent from starting on volcanoes for reals (that is to say, I cannot resist puncturing the tube and watching the forest flood with red goo).


2010-04-27 02:08

reporter   ~0005312

On a related note, it seems the actual number of volcanoes never goes over the "minimum volcanoes" value when creating the world, so if you want more than 1 you have to turn that value up.


2010-07-31 22:28

reporter   ~0011348

The tube being the same shape all the way down makes tapping it to actually use for anything other than hot, hot death rather difficult.


2010-11-18 15:52

reporter   ~0013991

Sadly, this bug is still around. Makes life much harder if you want to work with magma.


2012-04-02 12:00


Reminder sent to: caldfir

Is the issue you described at 0000142:0002579 still present?


2012-04-06 17:45

reporter   ~0022137

Last edited: 2012-04-06 17:48

This bug may be related to why this embark is so weird. The volcano just rises straight up like a tube and has a shear cliff face on the west. The embark location of the Dwarves on this map is hilarious!

The volcano tube is the same shape the whole way down.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-02 09:08 Brandon816 New Issue
2010-04-02 11:07 murficwpn Tag Attached: magma pipe
2010-04-02 11:21 MysteriousAges Note Added: 0000243
2010-04-02 12:17 Dae Note Added: 0000255
2010-04-03 01:14 Brandon816 Note Added: 0000454
2010-04-03 14:57 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0000308
2010-04-08 12:50 DoctorZuber Note Added: 0002130
2010-04-08 13:05 diefortheswarm Note Added: 0002132
2010-04-10 08:54 caldfir Note Added: 0002579
2010-04-10 09:06 DoctorZuber Note Added: 0002582
2010-04-23 09:40 caldfir Note Added: 0004718
2010-04-23 16:09 Lac Tag Attached: volcanoes
2010-04-27 02:08 Brandon816 Note Added: 0005312
2010-04-28 14:04 user6 Category General => Map Features
2010-07-31 22:28 InsanityPrelude Note Added: 0011348
2010-11-18 15:52 DoctorZuber Note Added: 0013991
2012-04-02 12:00 user6 Note Added: 0022036
2012-04-02 12:00 user6 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2012-04-06 17:45 Kijiro Note Added: 0022137
2012-04-06 17:48 Kijiro Note Edited: 0022137
2012-04-06 19:03 user6 Summary Volcano Issues => Volcanoes' left sides can protrude buggily above slopes -- height check not symmetrical?
2012-04-06 19:03 user6 Description Updated
2012-04-06 19:03 user6 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE