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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001018Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Moodspublic2010-08-14 12:48
ReporterVDOgamez Assigned Touser6 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
PlatformDell Dimension 9100OSWindows XP HomeOS Version2002, SP3
Product Version0.31.02 
Summary0001018: Possessed dwarf will not recognize materials
DescriptionA blacksmith got possessed, and, frustrated to find that I had no metalworking facilities, sat in the mess hall. I quickly put together a furnace, a wood burner, and a metalsmithing workshop, and sent my dwarfs to work. The possessed dwarf took the workshop immediately. I ordered the production of some charcoal and then some platinum bars. After they were done, the blacksmith took one bar, and returned to the workshop. He still muttered about wanting metal bars, so I assumed he needed a different kind. After producing some silver, copper, and iron, he was unsatisfied. I then attempted to fulfill his other requirement, cloth, in the hopes that it would fix him. Luckily for me, although I also lacked cloth, a merchant caravan came a few seconds later, and I bought some cloth, as well as thread in case I misinterpreted his muttering. The dwarves moved it to the stockpiles, but the possessed dwarf still refuses to come out, muttering about metal and cloth, clutching a bar of platinum. He will probably go insane soon.

I find it especially notable that all of the materials that were secured for him were created, along with the workshop, AFTER he claimed the workshop. This could have messed something up, or it could just be a form of the same bug other people have reported.
Additional InformationThis is likely close to a few other reports, but the scenario seems somewhat different, and may provide additional information.
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2010-04-11 18:19


Cloth can mean either silk cloth or plant fiber cloth. Do you have both?


2010-08-14 12:48


Feel free to reopen this if it's not explained by what I already posted.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-11 16:44 VDOgamez New Issue
2010-04-11 18:19 user6 Note Added: 0002928
2010-08-14 12:48 user6 Note Added: 0011791
2010-08-14 12:48 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-08-14 12:48 user6 Resolution open => no change required
2010-08-14 12:48 user6 Assigned To => user6