Unassigned 1 - 10 / 4217

[Dwarf Fortress] Scholar (and other) dwarf selection UI should show more details
Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Rooms - 2025-03-28 12:23
[Dwarf Fortress] Hovering over the work detail icon should list the names of the work details
Dwarf Mode -- Interface, General - 2025-03-28 12:22
[Dwarf Fortress] Zooming in or out in ASCII scales the UI to giant or tiny sizes
Technical -- Rendering - 2025-03-28 09:32
[Dwarf Fortress] Lava Waterfall Drawbridges, pathfinding or the fact the bride exists is gone.
Pathfinding - 2025-03-28 03:28
[Dwarf Fortress] Crash when leaving a starting fortress
Adventure Mode -- Travel - 2025-03-28 00:13
[Dwarf Fortress] Water buffalo get a negative thought from being caught in the rain
Creatures - 2025-03-26 11:33
[Dwarf Fortress] Mods from DF Steam workshop are not accessible to game
Technical -- General - 2025-03-26 08:09
[Dwarf Fortress] Elven diplomat conducts meeting with visiting Count instead of fortress' Duchess
Dwarf Mode -- Diplomacy - 2025-03-24 23:26
[Dwarf Fortress] Dwarf miners etc no job bug
Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Designations - 2025-03-24 17:48
[Dwarf Fortress] Advanced World Options Dont Affect World Gen
World Generation -- Parameters - 2025-03-24 11:29

Resolved 1 - 10 / 6937

[Dwarf Fortress] Bolts falling through floors.
Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Military - 2025-03-19 19:36
[Dwarf Fortress] Falling objects (bolts, body parts, etc.) glitch through floor into rooms below
Dwarf Mode -- Combat - 2025-03-19 19:36
[Dwarf Fortress] DF Classic 51.xx - Linux releases lack the adventure mode interface glyphs (graphics_classic.txt)
Adventure Mode -- Display - 2025-03-13 04:49
[Dwarf Fortress] Catapult/Ballista projectile falls z-level through solid floor
Throwing/Shooting - 2025-03-10 08:04
[Dwarf Fortress] Tiger shark and Whale shark have their sprites swapped.
Graphics and Sprites - 2025-03-07 04:19
[Dwarf Fortress] Adventure Mode sound is controlled by both "Adventure" and "Fortress" sound level settings
Technical -- Sound - 2025-03-07 04:18
[Dwarf Fortress] ASCII combat indicators are displayed in the wrong place
Adventure Mode -- Display - 2025-03-07 04:18
[Dwarf Fortress] announcements not displayed on travel screen
Adventure Mode -- Travel - 2025-03-07 04:18
[Dwarf Fortress] direction of containers in inventory is wrong when placing items
Adventure Mode -- Inventory - 2025-03-07 04:17
[Dwarf Fortress] Adventure character creation gives ore in stacks, which do not smelt properly
Adventure Mode -- Character Creation - 2025-03-07 04:17
[Dwarf Fortress] Scholar (and other) dwarf selection UI should show more details
Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Rooms - 2025-03-28 12:23
[Dwarf Fortress] Hovering over the work detail icon should list the names of the work details
Dwarf Mode -- Interface, General - 2025-03-28 12:22
[Dwarf Fortress] Zooming in or out in ASCII scales the UI to giant or tiny sizes
Technical -- Rendering - 2025-03-28 09:32
[Dwarf Fortress] Lava Waterfall Drawbridges, pathfinding or the fact the bride exists is gone.
Pathfinding - 2025-03-28 03:28
[Dwarf Fortress] Crash when leaving a starting fortress
Adventure Mode -- Travel - 2025-03-28 00:13
[Dwarf Fortress] Water buffalo get a negative thought from being caught in the rain
Creatures - 2025-03-26 11:33
[Dwarf Fortress] Mods from DF Steam workshop are not accessible to game
Technical -- General - 2025-03-26 08:09
[Dwarf Fortress] Elven diplomat conducts meeting with visiting Count instead of fortress' Duchess
Dwarf Mode -- Diplomacy - 2025-03-24 23:26
[Dwarf Fortress] Dwarf miners etc no job bug
Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Designations - 2025-03-24 17:48
[Dwarf Fortress] Advanced World Options Dont Affect World Gen
World Generation -- Parameters - 2025-03-24 11:29


   2025-03-22 .. 2025-03-29   
JasonMel tagged issue 0013132 with suggestion
2025-03-28 12:23
JasonMel tagged issue 0013133 with suggestion
2025-03-28 12:22
JasonMel commented on issue 0013132
2025-03-28 12:19
Dromna commented on issue 0013124
2025-03-28 09:32
Dromna commented on issue 0013124
2025-03-28 09:25
flocci created issue 0013133
2025-03-28 08:49
flocci created issue 0013132
2025-03-28 08:42
Kysvader created issue 0013131
2025-03-28 03:28
oldfriend commented on issue 0013127
2025-03-28 00:13
oldfriend commented on issue 0013127
2025-03-27 11:12
Quietust commented on issue 0013130
2025-03-26 11:32
Gnomeknight tagged issue 0013130 with Weather
2025-03-26 11:01
Gnomeknight tagged issue 0013130 with thoughts
2025-03-26 11:01
Gnomeknight tagged issue 0013130 with Rain
2025-03-26 11:01
Gnomeknight tagged issue 0013130 with livestock
2025-03-26 11:01
Gnomeknight tagged issue 0013130 with creatures
2025-03-26 11:01
Gnomeknight tagged issue 0013130 with animals
2025-03-26 11:01
Gnomeknight created issue 0013130
2025-03-26 11:01
donottellmetonottellyou commented on issue 0012834
2025-03-26 08:09
amade commented on issue 0012955
2025-03-24 23:26
Jackyd101 commented on issue 0013126
2025-03-24 17:48
dwarfishj created issue 0013129
2025-03-24 11:29
voss3y commented on issue 0013120
2025-03-24 06:53
Quietust created issue 0013128
2025-03-24 06:11
oldfriend commented on issue 0013127
2025-03-23 08:05
oldfriend tagged issue 0013127 with Travel
2025-03-22 05:56
oldfriend tagged issue 0013127 with adventure mode
2025-03-22 05:56
oldfriend created issue 0013127
2025-03-22 05:56