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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010360Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Militarypublic2018-04-04 12:30
Reporterthvaz Assigned Touser8971 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformpcOSwindows OS Version10
Product Version0.44.02 
Summary0010360: Werecreatures won't transform while on raids
DescriptionI had a dwarf infected by a werepanther and thought it would be a good idea to send him during the full moon on a raid, alone. I was expecting him at least to be killed and solving my problem, however he went on various raids very sucessfully and even though most of the raids were during the full moon none reported a single problem. All of them he was undetected. He doesn't have any fight skills or ambush, nonetheless he brought many tomes and artifacts to my fortress.
Steps To Reproduce-have a dwarf bittenn by a werecreature
-send him on a raid
- watch him return unscathed and no comment about any trouble
Additional InformationIt is more of an oversight than a bug.
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2017-11-25 15:10


Did he ever return with the same wounds he had when departing, even though there was a full moon while he was away? If yes, it probably means he indeed did not transform when out there. Have you tried sending him out when he was a bit injured?

Could the save you uploaded for 0010331 be used here too or is this some other fort?


2017-11-25 15:26

reporter   ~0037007

I didn't, it is kinda hard to do this. The savegame is the same, i think on the point I sent it he was on a mission. What did happen (and ended my game) was he returning transformed while in the full moon as I got lazy with the calculations. But he could as well have turned as soon as he is loaded on the fortress map.
At least two of the missions the full moon happened while he was about to get to the destination.


2018-04-04 10:28

reporter   ~0038126

Also, visitors bitten by werecreatures while in the fortress will only transform while in the fortress. I had scholars leaving the map after being bitten, only to return many months or even years later to wreak havoc unsuspectedly in the full moon. Checking legends mode dont show any transformation while outside of the fortress, though I guess if you find them in adventure mode they will change as expected.


2018-04-04 12:30

reporter   ~0038127

If I recall correctly, werecreatures who were cursed during world generation will also not transform or attack anyone after it ends, unless you directly encounter them in fortress or adventure mode. It's part of a larger issue: no beast attacks happen after worldgen, except against player-controlled sites.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-11-25 09:54 thvaz New Issue
2017-11-25 15:10 user8971 Note Added: 0037005
2017-11-25 15:10 user8971 Assigned To => user8971
2017-11-25 15:10 user8971 Status new => feedback
2017-11-25 15:26 thvaz Note Added: 0037007
2017-11-25 15:26 thvaz Status feedback => assigned
2018-04-04 10:28 thvaz Note Added: 0038126
2018-04-04 12:30 Huntthetroll Note Added: 0038127