Reporter | windyskunk | Assigned To | user8971 | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | duplicate | |
Platform | PC | OS | Windows | OS Version | 8 |
Product Version | 0.44.02 | |
Summary | 0010368: Stopping the display of an object puts the object in a bugged state in regards to future displays. |
Description | If one stops the display of an object on a pedestal (either by deconstructing the pedestal, or by assigning it to another pedestal) will put the object in a bugged state. Assigning the now bugged object to a pedestal will result in the dwarves never moving the object to the pedestal, and afterwords deassigning it will cause cancellation report spam. In addition, if an object is deassigned from a pedestal, but the pedestal is not deconstructed, dwarves will not move the object to a stockpile. |
Steps To Reproduce | Assign an object to a pedestal, then either: deconstruct the pedestal and then assign the object to the other pedestal, or just assign the object the other pedestal. A save has been provided with two pedestals already built to ease reproducing the bug. |
Additional Information | http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=13233 |
Tags | No tags attached. |