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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010372Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Managerpublic2025-02-28 10:32
ReporterBumber Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPCOSWindows 7 
Product Version0.44.02 
Summary0010372: Non-functional and missing traits for work order conditions
DescriptionThere are a number of issues with item traits:
Some traits only appear for certain jobs. "Lye-containing" item only appears in the trait list for a soap-producing job, but not for a lye-producing job.

A hidden trait seems to exist that distinguishes bags from boxes. Automatically creating conditions from reagents for a "process plant to bag" job gives you an "available bags" condition. Even if you deactivate all traits and set the item type to "item", it still remains a "bag". By contrast, you can only manually select a "boxes and bags" item, never just "bags".

The "Soap item" trait doesn't seem to work. Soap bars aren't considered "Soap bars".

There's also some confusion about when to check the amount of "X-containing item" versus just the "X" item itself. I'm reasonably sure that lye and sand inside their respective containers aren't counted by the work order conditions.
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2017-11-27 08:12

reporter   ~0037053

Last edited: 2017-11-27 08:16

Missing trait for "soft" items to contrast hard ones.
Need a way to distinguish "wooden" versus "plant fiber" items.
Duplicate entry of "Food storage items" trait.

Feel free to post other issues below.


2022-11-29 01:48

reporter   ~0041352

Last edited: 2022-11-29 01:51

Item "bars", trait "Soap items" does track soap bars as of 0.47.05.

"Lye-bearing" trait doesn't seem to do anything.


2023-02-10 12:34

viewer   ~0041765

50.07 - "coke" appears as an item in Suggested conditions for the "Make coke from bituminous coal" and "Make coke from lignite" work orders, but cannot be chosen in manually-created conditions.


2023-03-03 21:40

viewer   ~0041776

Inability to track the number of minecarts that are *not* assigned to a route, so it is impossible to create a work order to keep X number of unused minecarts available. The empty condition includes minecarts that are on a route but empty at the time, which means pretty much all quantum storage minecarts are counted as available when they're really already allocated and hence are not actually "available".


2023-03-22 09:37

viewer   ~0041784

Unable to specify the size of an item as adjective when setting up work orders. For example I may want 10 large cloaks and for it to check if there are sore large cloaks I cannot do so - I can only specify if there are cloaks in general. This is an issue with having enough clothing for humans in the fort or producing armor etc where you want a different set of orders for large and normal sized items.


2023-12-30 15:41

reporter   ~0041995

50.11: the adjective "magma-safe" in the condition "Amount of magma-safe rock mechanisms available is less than 10" does not work; I have dozens of mechanisms made from bauxite, dolomite, and other magma-safe rocks, but the condition is still "satisfied for next check" and the work order keeps triggering.


2023-12-30 18:26

reporter   ~0041996

Last edited: 2023-12-30 18:27

The "magma-safe" condition currently only applies to Boulders, Blocks, Bars, Logs, and Anvils - any other item types will be considered unsafe.


2024-03-04 10:01

reporter   ~0042067

It seems impossible to count quarry bush leaves? Setting the item type to "leaves and fruit" and having either "quarry bush" material causes the description to just disappear. The generic item type causes press cakes to be counted.


2025-02-28 10:32

reporter   ~0042574

I can confirm this is still a problem in 51.06. The specific problem I had was as follows: The "Make Parchment" work order supports (and recommends) a condition "milk of lime-containing items" (type=item, no material, adjective "milk of lime-containing items"). But that adjective is not available for other jobs.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-11-27 07:56 Bumber New Issue
2017-11-27 08:12 Bumber Note Added: 0037053
2017-11-27 08:15 Bumber Note Edited: 0037053
2017-11-27 08:15 Bumber Note Edited: 0037053
2017-11-27 08:16 Bumber Note Edited: 0037053
2022-11-29 01:48 qeveren Note Added: 0041352
2022-11-29 01:51 qeveren Note Edited: 0041352
2023-02-10 12:34 anonymous Note Added: 0041765
2023-03-03 21:40 anonymous Note Added: 0041776
2023-03-22 09:37 anonymous Note Added: 0041784
2023-12-30 15:41 TommyAtkins Note Added: 0041995
2023-12-30 18:26 Quietust Note Added: 0041996
2023-12-30 18:27 Quietust Note Edited: 0041996
2024-03-04 10:01 Bumber Note Added: 0042067
2025-02-28 10:32 solters Note Added: 0042574