View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010611Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Raidspublic2018-03-13 10:54
ReporterShonai_Dweller Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformx64OSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version0.44.06 
Fixed in Version0.44.07 
Summary0010611: Stolen Beakdog doesn't appear in Animals list
DescriptionStole a beakdog in a raid and it's being a bit weird.

In the save below you can find my captured Beakdog.
He's pastured in the entrance-way (so that works).
He's not on the (z) Animals Screen so I can't assign him for butchering there.
He appears on the (u) Animals/Pets screen.

(v)-(p) on him and instead of getting butchering/gelding options, I get a dorf preferences screen (labors, work animals, occupations, etc). Pushing (l), (o), etc gives no response though.
Steps To ReproduceSend dorfs to steal animals until they come back with a juicy beakdog.
Fail to be able to eat him.
Additional InformationSave:

(Save from a modded world. Raw tweaks only, no additional DFHack usage or anything)
TagsNo tags attached.



2018-03-10 22:32

reporter   ~0037872

One thing I can do with my beakdog is assign him as a tavern keeper. Which I've done and he's now diligently hanging out in the tavern. That'll keep everyone safe from alcohol poisoning for a while. But, yeah, an additional facet to this bug.


2018-03-11 06:00

reporter   ~0037874

Beak dogs inherently do not have a [PET] or [PET_EXOTIC], not being able to do anything with them in the animals screen is intentional because goblins acquire them though [EVIL] + [COMMON_DOMESTIC] entity tags without any other typical tags to make them useful.

There are other 'silly modder dwarf tricks' that can be undertook to intergrate them into the goblin civ and eventually your own civ by making them [PET_EXOTIC] and adding to goblin entity [ANIMAL] -> [CREATURE:BEAK_DOG] -> [ANIMAL ALWAYS PRESENT] to bypass the use of [COMMON_DOMESTIC] on the creature file which can be deleted after.

Being able to assign the beak dog to unusual functions like a tavern keeper is a bug within itself. Both aspects of the code (functionality for taking but not being able to use raided animals because AI don't use them in the same capacity and take using archaic raw tags, & awkward controls of being able to give the beak dog jobs) look like they need revising.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-03-10 16:14 Shonai_Dweller New Issue
2018-03-10 22:32 Shonai_Dweller Note Added: 0037872
2018-03-11 06:00 FantasticDorf Note Added: 0037874
2018-03-11 21:12 Toady One Status new => resolved
2018-03-11 21:12 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2018-03-11 21:12 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2018-03-11 21:12 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2018-03-13 10:54 lethosor Category Dwarf Mode -- Military => Dwarf Mode -- Raids