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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010739Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Reclaimpublic2018-05-09 06:18
Reporterrandomoddguy Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformASUSOSWindowsOS Version7
Product Version0.44.09 
Summary0010739: Upon reclaiming, fort level reset to outpost
DescriptionI was the mountainholme when I retired my fortress. Reclaimed it. Now I'm an outpost. Despite the king still living with me. As well as the outpost liasion. Not sure if they are going to send me another one, or if it's possible to regain the mountainholm status while those two already live here.

I wouldn't think that your fortress's title should change just because you stopped running it. But...
Steps To ReproduceRetire. Reclaim. Fortress is now an outpost again.
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2018-05-02 14:57

reporter   ~0038242

Seems to have fixed itself? Sort of? Upon the first dwarven caravan, No liasion was sent. The "Becoming the mountainholm" button did however appear in the nobles menu. Presumably because the game recognized that one of my units was already labelled as "Baron of [MYFORTRESS]". The next season, a bit after the elven caravan arrived, I got a message saying I had become the mountainholm, and the ruler had arrived with a full entourage. Absolutely noone showed up, presumably because the queen and the liasion already lived here, and the pop cap prevented anyone else from coming. But it did change my location's title back to mountainholm in the stocks menu.

Not sure if this is how this is meant to work but it resolved itself more or less.


2018-05-09 06:18

reporter   ~0038307

This happened to me too. In the beginning, I chose an almost dead civ that had no sites and only 27 members in the world. I built up a fortress to 250 members and it became the mountainhome. I had every noble position filled including the King and Outpost Liaison ensuring that made sure that all their room requirements were met. I retired the mountainhome so that I could start some more fortresses to build up the civ. But I found that when I retired the mountainhome, the status immediately goes to Outpost and the King and Outpost Liaison leaves.

In the save below, I have just retired the fortres (Nokinzokum), if you Unretire it, you will see that it is now an Outpost and the King and Outpost Liaison have left and their rooms have been reassigned. The King would not leave this fort, it is the only large fortress of this civ. Is the King mad?

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-04-30 23:11 randomoddguy New Issue
2018-05-02 14:57 randomoddguy Note Added: 0038242
2018-05-09 06:18 sionlife Note Added: 0038307