Reporter | GorfZaplen | Assigned To | | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | sometimes |
Status | new | Resolution | open | |
OS | Windows | OS Version | Windows 7 | |
Product Version | 0.47.04 | |
Summary | 0011487: Experiment creature meat and leather available to civilizations |
Description | Adventurers in adventure mode sometimes start with experiment creature leather items such as quivers or waterskins, and experiment creature leather items are available for fortresses to begin with and even order from their outpost liaisons. You can also begin with meat and extracts from these creatures. Only creatures that are based on animals that have extracts seem to be available. |
Steps To Reproduce | High amounts of experiments based on animals available in the world. Typically a necromancer controlled dwarven mountain hall or fortress exists. |
Additional Information | Possibly a feature? If you're going to be fighting hordes of mutant monstrosities why not use their byproducts? |
Tags | No tags attached. |