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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0011614Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Conversationpublic2022-07-25 15:59
Reporterhubie Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
OSMacOSOS Version10.15.5 
Product Version0.47.04 
Summary0011614: Crashes when telling a story about a person or creature in or near a tavern
DescriptionIf the adventurer is in or near a tavern and tries to tell a story about a person or creature under the "Begin a performance" option, the game will crash at the point where it should present you with a list of people and creature names. The other options under "Tell a story", such as "about a region", etc., seem to work fine. All the other options under "Begin a performance" seem to work fine as well.
Steps To ReproduceA save file has been uploaded: Adventure Mode Crash When Telling a Story (

k -> start a new conversation -> Begin a performance -> Tell a story -> about a person or creature

Additional InformationThe crash always happens following the steps above. It sometimes doesn't happen if you acknowledge the comment said to the adventurer before trying to tell the story:

k -> Continuing shouting -> Ask for directions to Heldlizards

However, the last four times I tried before uploading the file, it also crashed, so I cannot consistently repeat the non-crash steps here.

If you move the adventurer out of the area of the tavern, the game does not crash.
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2020-09-03 14:40

reporter   ~0040714

Are you using any utilities known to crash Adventurer like Dfhack and TWBT?


2022-07-25 07:56

reporter   ~0041280

I've been experiencing this too on Linux. I normally play with dfhack, but loading the game in vanilla still crashes when I try to tell a story about a person or creature inside a human tavern. Console just says "Segmentation fault (core dumped)".

Similar to the OP, I can occasionally get it to not crash by ending random conversations first, but it's not very consistent. I suspect the crash is somehow related to the current conversations of the listeners.


2022-07-25 15:59

reporter   ~0041281

Related to 0011227 (or maybe duplicate)

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-08-31 22:01 hubie New Issue
2020-09-03 14:40 Shonai_Dweller Note Added: 0040714
2022-07-25 07:56 Willard Note Added: 0041280
2022-07-25 15:59 Ziusudra Note Added: 0041281