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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012240Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- AIpublic2023-04-25 03:26
Reporteremail Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Summary0012240: Dwarf in strange mood collects thousands of cloth items
DescriptionA dwarf in a strange mood has claimed a Metalsmith's Forge and is
collecting thousands of silk cloth with seemingly no end.

Version: Steam v50.05
OS: Windows 10
 Strange mood bug

[image: strangemoodbug1.png]

user email redacted
TagsNo tags attached.



2023-01-09 10:41


strangemoodbug1.png (506,364 bytes)


2023-01-09 13:56

manager   ~0041667

Loaded the save file and confirmed.

The old Planepacked bug was triggered by burrowing a dwarf to exclude the workshop.

This is not Planepacked. There is a single burrow, but it is paused and includes the workshop. There are no restrictions on Ducim's labor. Also, forbidding all remaining silk cloth in the fortress does not trigger artifact completion.


2023-01-09 14:17

manager   ~0041668

Tested, see note


2023-01-09 15:14

manager   ~0041670

Last edited: 2023-01-09 15:31

I've had the same bug in one of my forts in v50. It also involved cloth, but it was yarn cloth and not silk. I've also seen someone else post the bug on Reddit.


2023-01-18 16:34

manager   ~0041710

Related reddit thread here:
Also uses silk cloth.


2023-01-18 16:37

manager   ~0041712

Description from a user making an email with the bug:

I assume this is related to bug 0001416

I had a child with a fey mood claim a craftsdwarfs workshop, grab a handful
of items, and then proceed to go grab a couple pieces of wool cloth every
once in a while. After finding 0001416, I removed all my burrow
designations, unforbade all my doors, and re-enabled chores for children.
After that point, he unstuck himself and started working.
Version: 50.05
OS: Windows 10


2023-01-18 16:42

manager   ~0041714

Additional user bug report description from a separate email:
Dwarf Fortress v50.05 on SteamI have a clothier's shop that seems to be subject to a Planepacked type bug. The first time it happened, a dwarf claimed the clothier's shop and gathered every piece of silk cloth in the fortress (over 100), but couldn't get any more and went insane. Now this has happened a second time and the dwarf grabbed 122 rope reed and 212 pig tail cloth but they haven't gone insane after over a year because I keep producing cloth, which resets their insanity timer. The dwarf is "sketching pictures of " Stacked Cloth, Stacked Leather, Cut Gems, A Quarry, Cut Gems, and Skeletons. In that order. I have plenty of cut gems, plenty of leather, plenty of stone, and several bones.I have tried suspending burrows, removing the dwarf from the burrow, and removing the temple zone which covers the workshop but none of these have worked. This seems to be related to clothiers specifically, because I have had several artifacts/moods completed successfully in nearby workshops under nearly identical conditions.
Potentially related wiki entry:

I have attached a screenshot of the clothier with a workshop full of cloth, asking for more cloth.
My save file is too big to attach to the email, but here is a Google Drive link:

((following info added in an additional note:))
I have an update on my planepacked bug. Using DFHack, I was able to see the materials which the dwarf requires. They have over 100 times the amount of cloth they require for their mood and will not start grabbing the cut gems they need. I have attached an image.


2023-01-18 17:34

viewer   ~0041715

Hey, ConditionOfMan from the Kitfox Discord and DF subreddit. I also have the Silkthirster bug. I have a dwarf that has claimed a stoneworkers shop. He has collected over 230 silk for his construction.


The workshop that was claimed did not have stockpile restrictions.

Forbidding the workshop or any of the already claimed resources causes mood break to melancholy for him.

Forbidding any available silk makes him wait forever.

Burrowing only the workshop makes him wait forever.

Burrowing just the unclaimed resources (workshop outside burrow) causes mood break to melancholy.

Deleting all burrows did nothing.

Deleted Hospital zone. Dwarf grabbed all silk from chests (reasonable since it was closest)

Located all silk ensuring none was inaccessible.

Standing order was set to use any cloth, not just dyed.

Here is a copy of the save

Let me know if you don't have access. I think I got the setting right.


2023-01-19 09:42

viewer   ~0041718

ConditionOfMan following up. Upon removing the Guild Hall zone from just the mood-claimed workshop got the dwarf to begin and complete construction of the artifact, using all resources.


2023-04-25 03:26

viewer   ~0041794

You can occasionnally see a dwarf asking for 1000 pieces of cloth using DFHack. I supposed it was an amusing way of punishing a player for not producing 1000 pieces of clothing just in case.

Add Note


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-01-09 10:41 email New Issue
2023-01-09 10:41 email File Added: strangemoodbug1.png
2023-01-09 13:56 TangentialThreat Note Added: 0041667
2023-01-09 14:06 TangentialThreat Description Updated
2023-01-09 14:17 TangentialThreat Assigned To => TangentialThreat
2023-01-09 14:17 TangentialThreat Status new => confirmed
2023-01-09 14:17 TangentialThreat Note Added: 0041668
2023-01-09 14:39 TangentialThreat Assigned To TangentialThreat =>
2023-01-09 15:14 Talvieno Note Added: 0041670
2023-01-09 15:29 Talvieno Project Triage => Dwarf Fortress
2023-01-09 15:31 Talvieno Note Edited: 0041670
2023-01-18 16:34 Talvieno Note Added: 0041710
2023-01-18 16:37 Talvieno Note Added: 0041712
2023-01-18 16:40 Talvieno Category General => Adventure Mode -- AI
2023-01-18 16:40 Talvieno Summary Dwarf in strange mood collects thousands of items => Dwarf in strange mood collects thousands of cloth items
2023-01-18 16:42 Talvieno Note Added: 0041714
2023-01-18 17:34 anonymous Note Added: 0041715
2023-01-19 09:42 anonymous Note Added: 0041718
2023-04-25 03:26 anonymous Note Added: 0041794