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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012584TriageGeneralpublic2023-10-19 19:39
Reporteremail Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0012584: When naming fortresses you can use the random button to get unintended names
DescriptionDwarf Fortress Version: 50.11

When naming a fortress each element has a different set of possible words.
But when you press the random button it uses the list of possible words of
the element you have selected instead of the one your randomizing

Example: the element "Of X" doesn't have the word "first"
[image: DF1.PNG]
but the element "Front Compound" does
[image: DF2.PNG]
If you press the random button for "Of X" while having "Front Compound"
selected you can get "Of First"
[image: DF3.PNG]
The invalid name persists into fortress mode
[image: DF4.PNG]
I was able to do this with the fortress name, group name, and symbol name.

Jonathan Givens <>
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2023-10-19 19:39


DF1.PNG (105,676 bytes)   
DF1.PNG (105,676 bytes)   
DF2.PNG (111,926 bytes)   
DF2.PNG (111,926 bytes)   
DF4.PNG (1,525,228 bytes)
DF3.PNG (111,856 bytes)   
DF3.PNG (111,856 bytes)   

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-10-19 19:39 email New Issue
2023-10-19 19:39 email File Added: DF1.PNG
2023-10-19 19:39 email File Added: DF2.PNG
2023-10-19 19:39 email File Added: DF4.PNG
2023-10-19 19:39 email File Added: DF3.PNG