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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012710Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Visitorspublic2025-03-16 18:48
ReporterBumber Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformSteamOSWindowsOS Version8.1
Product Version50.11 
Summary0012710: On becoming mountain homes, endless parade of visiting nobles
DescriptionAfter the fort is elevated to the mountain homes, nobles will visit the fort. No reason for their visit is given, with their unit sheet saying they have "come to ." They stay a for a while and then leave. Then they return to the map shortly after for another visit, ad nauseam.

This constant travel leaves them vulnerable to all sorts of threats as they wander the map. These nobles die, they take up tombs (just like merchants, which might also be a bug.) A new noble will be appointed in their place, perpetuating the cycle.
Steps To Reproduce1. Become mountain homes and receive monarch.
2. It was inevitable.
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-04-13 06:44

reporter   ~0042139

As a workaround for continuing to play, you can use Dfhack command "makeown" so that the noble joins your fortress, that way you can keep them safe and sound in there. Just don't assign them any new nobility roles or military commander role, then they'll lose their noble designation and a new one will come visit with the title instead.


2024-04-14 05:16

reporter   ~0042140

Pretty sure they'll start making mandates if you use "makeown". I just lock them in a room, though I don't know if they'll eventually go insane or not.


2025-03-16 18:48

reporter   ~0042605

Seems to be *mostly* fixed in v51.07.

The existing nobles didn't seem to want to leave, so I set the unit.enemy.travel_log.flags to force them out.

Only the diplomat and general returned after that. They've got the "come to ." visit message, so there's still that small issue.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-04 12:15 Bumber New Issue
2024-04-13 06:44 Antlion17 Note Added: 0042139
2024-04-14 05:16 Bumber Note Added: 0042140
2025-03-16 18:48 Bumber Note Added: 0042605