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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012727Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Designationspublic2025-02-21 20:40
ReporterJasonMel Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPC ( 10 HomeOS Version22H2
Product Version50.12 
Summary0012727: Re-designation of cancelled upward carving of designated stairs not taken by dwarf, unless any of 8 surrounding tiles is mined
DescriptionAny designated staircase being carved upwards instead of downwards which is cancelled and re-designated will be accepted as a legitimate designation. This of course is as it should be, just as a designated hallway can be begun, the designations erased mid-way down the hall, and the hallway re-designated. The dwarves will happily return to the hallway and continue as before.

However, in the case of an upward stair, the job will not be accepted by any dwarf -- unless a random mining designation (be it upward stair, upward ramp, or even horizontal mining) is completed in one of the eight tiles surrounding the upward stair on the z-level below that on which the stair would continue (i.e., the level where the stair currently terminates).

To avoid confusion, I stress that this has nothing to do with the fact that the top-most terminus of a completed staircase cannot be continued upwards, since the tile above the final upward stair tile has been mined out. The staircase in question, since it was carved upwards and was cancelled before it was completed, still necessarily has an upward stair at the top, allowing access to the next tile up.
Steps To ReproduceFor example,
1) Designate a carved stair up from your z-level. Terminate the designation at some z-level above where it starts.
2) As soon as the first tile of stair is created, un-designate the rest of the stair and re-designate it exactly as before. This creates a stair-carving job apparently identical to the one that was cancelled (i.e., the tile will be highlighted with the designation as though waiting for a dwarf to pick up the job)
3) Notice that no dwarf will resume carving the stair, and no error or notification appears.
4) In one of the tiles adjacent to the existing, successfully-carved stair tile (one tile away in any direction, with no tiles in between), designate an upward ramp, an additional upward stair, or even a normal horizontal.
5) As soon as that tile is carved, notice that the original, re-designated, upward stair continuation job will be picked up.
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2024-03-12 20:42

reporter   ~0042086

Noticed in version 50.12.


2024-03-13 13:59

reporter   ~0042090

Last edited: 2025-02-07 21:34

Tested further.

1) It doesn't matter in which direction the re-designation is performed in the interface. The designation can be made bottom-to-top or top-to-bottom, as long as it includes the topmost carved stair and extends upward from there.

2) Also, if the stair continuation designation is (already) accessible from a higher z-level, a dwarf will continue the designation at that level. The stair will be carved both upward from that point to its terminus and downward to meet the previous top stair. So this problem affects only re-designations accessible only from below.

3) Also, the designation that unlocks the job for acceptance can be in any of the eight tiles surrounding the current top stair tile or any of the re-designated tiles above it. (Edit: this "unlocks" the job only in the sense of 2 above, making the stair accessible from a direction other than from below.)

4) Also, the designation that unlocks the job for acceptance can be anything, including downward stairs, even if the tile was previously mined. The only exception to this is channeling. If channeling is used to unlock the job, then the channel must be designated one tile higher. In other words, the ramp created by the channel must appear on the level of the topmost stair tile, or higher, adjacent to either the top stair or a re-designated tile.


2024-03-14 21:07

reporter   ~0042103

The workaround I've used for this in the past is to highlight the ignored undug stair tile with the keyboard cursor and run

dig-now here

in the DFHack launcher

That will at least get your miners unstuck.

Add Note


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-12 20:36 JasonMel New Issue
2024-03-12 20:42 JasonMel Note Added: 0042086
2024-03-13 13:59 JasonMel Note Added: 0042090
2024-03-14 21:07 myk002 Note Added: 0042103
2025-02-07 21:34 JasonMel Note Edited: 0042090
2025-02-19 05:33 JasonMel Tag Attached: 50.12
2025-02-21 20:40 lethosor Tag Detached: 50.12
2025-02-21 20:40 lethosor Product Version => 50.12