View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012834Dwarf FortressTechnical -- Generalpublic2025-03-26 08:09
Reportermyk002 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0012834: Mods from DF Steam workshop are not accessible to game
DescriptionOn Linux, if you subscribe to a mod on the Steam workshop, the mod is successfully downloaded to the workshop staging directory ($HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/workshop/content/975370 on my system), but the contents of that directory are not copied to the mods/ folder when DF starts up like the Windows build does.
Steps To Reproduce1. Subscribe to a mod on the Steam workshop
2. Verify that it is downloaded by Steam to the workshop directory
3. Start DF from the Steam client
4. Existing saves that require that mod will not load.
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2024-05-09 10:34

reporter   ~0042230

Last edited: 2024-05-09 10:35

Can confirm it happens on my Linux setup as well.

Workaround is go to "$STEAMPATH$/steamapps/workshop/content/"
and then run the following in terminal:
rm -r 975370
ln -s "../../common/Dwarf Fortress/mods" 975370

Then validate the game files via steam and the mods will re-download correctly afterwards.


2025-03-26 08:09

reporter   ~0042617

You could also go to "$STEAMPATH$/steamapps/common/Dwarf Fortress" then
rm -r mods/
ln -s ../../workshop/content/975370 mods

This way, the mods in the workshop don't get deleted in the process, and you don't have to revalidate the game files.
It would probably be better if Dwarf Fortress supported loading mods from outside of the mods folder specifically for the Steam version, so that steam workshop mods don't have to be in the same place as manually installed mods/ mod upload projects. But IDK.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-24 23:27 myk002 New Issue
2024-05-09 10:34 Endali Note Added: 0042230
2024-05-09 10:35 Endali Note Edited: 0042230
2025-03-26 08:09 donottellmetonottellyou Note Added: 0042617