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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012905Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- AIpublic2024-06-26 16:20
ReporterCrystalwarrior Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version50.11 
Summary0012905: Goblin Fortress prisoners will treat any relatives residing within as a reuinon opportunity
DescriptionA prisoner will treat any relatives residing within the Goblin Fortress as a joyful reunion, regardless of the fact that those same relatives are part of the goblin civilization/group that imprisoned them.

This also makes rescuing those prisoners a very difficult endeavor, as any hostile family members will immediately cancel the agreement to rescue. Additionally, the prisoner will treat this as a joyful rescue and reunion if you simply release them from their cell and they suddenly see a relative.

Additionally, this happens without you even doing anything - just being present in the goblin fortress creates many joyful reunion events as you explore.
Steps To ReproduceGo to Goblin Fortress with prisoners
Witness joyful reunions happening left and right in that hellscape
Additional InformationIntended or not, current behavior is extremely quirky and makes the prisoner quest a nightmare to fulfill with patrolling relatives. You have to somehow knock them out non-lethally and in a way that the prisoner you're rescuing never catches sight of them, as that will immediately end the rescue quest and assimilate the prisoner into the goblin civilization, prompting a swift save scum.

There is also no way to haul units in Adv Mode yet, so there's no way for you to stash the unconscious relatives out of sight. It's a complete crapshoot in current form.
Tags51.01, child, Dark Fortress, goblin, prisoner, quest, Rescue, snatcher


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-26 16:20 Crystalwarrior New Issue
2024-06-26 16:20 Crystalwarrior Tag Attached: 51.01
2024-06-26 16:20 Crystalwarrior Tag Attached: child
2024-06-26 16:20 Crystalwarrior Tag Attached: Dark Fortress
2024-06-26 16:20 Crystalwarrior Tag Attached: goblin
2024-06-26 16:20 Crystalwarrior Tag Attached: prisoner
2024-06-26 16:20 Crystalwarrior Tag Attached: quest
2024-06-26 16:20 Crystalwarrior Tag Attached: Rescue
2024-06-26 16:20 Crystalwarrior Tag Attached: snatcher