View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013001Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Embark/Setuppublic2025-02-15 17:56
ReporterTallerDwarf Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPC - ClassicOSWindows 11 HomeOS Version23H2
Product Version50.14 
Summary0013001: Cant rename dwarf on embark screen
DescriptionTyping doesn't work when attempting to give a dwarf a name or a job title in the "prepare carefully" section of the embark process.
Steps To Reproduce I've generated dozens of worlds over multiple sessions and it's consistently an issue. I haven't had it not happen.
Additional InformationI imagine this is only an issue with the Classic version if nobody is talking about it.

This is my first report, so I cloned another report. I hope that doesn't break, like, procedure or anything.
TagsClassic, Dwarf, embark, names



2024-10-23 06:54

reporter   ~0042406

Posting duplicates (in this case, of 0012060) does break procedure, so don't do it.


2024-10-23 14:40

reporter   ~0042407

It's for a different version (which I think matters most), with adequate notation and platform information. Is this actually a duplicate of THAT report just because the issue is the same?

I'm new to development, but is it truly expected that no bug will ever be replicated once fixed? And, maybe I'm wrong, but shouldn't it be expected in a game trying to simulate "all of existence?"

Look, if this gets closed, I'm just gonna expect it's fixed in the adventure update, but if it's an issue with Classic and it's just not been adequately notated, I'd like to make sure. Maybe it's petty, but this feature is pretty important to me.


2024-10-25 17:50

reporter   ~0042409

Last edited: 2024-10-25 17:50

I want to note that while I cannot name the dwarves or give them job titles in the embark screen, I still can do so in the actual fortress mode. There is a work around: just write down what you wanted to name them somewhere or just remember them and then name your dwarves immediately after embarking.


2025-02-15 17:56

reporter   ~0042556

I saw this was in the patch notes for the adventure mode version, like I had thought might happen. I'm not gonna whine if this gets closed, but I haven't tried it on classic yet, as I've recently gotten Premium.

Add Note


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-10-22 20:29 TallerDwarf New Issue
2024-10-22 20:29 TallerDwarf Tag Attached: Dwarf
2024-10-22 20:29 TallerDwarf Tag Attached: embark
2024-10-22 20:29 TallerDwarf Tag Attached: names
2024-10-22 20:29 TallerDwarf Issue generated from: 0012060
2024-10-23 06:54 Quietust Note Added: 0042406
2024-10-23 14:40 TallerDwarf Note Added: 0042407
2024-10-25 17:50 TallerDwarf Note Added: 0042409
2024-10-25 17:50 TallerDwarf Note Edited: 0042409
2024-10-31 10:51 TallerDwarf Tag Attached: Classic
2025-02-15 17:56 TallerDwarf Note Added: 0042556