View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013062Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Animalspublic2025-01-12 23:16
Reporteroschwarten Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformMac M2 (via Whiskey)OSSequoiaOS Version15.0.1
Product Version51.01-beta 
Summary0013062: Crash when viewing sheep info screen
DescriptionOn the 51.01 beta28, not sure about previous versions, attempting to view the info screen of a sheep causes a crash. It happens both when I click on the magnifying glass button under the pets/livestock tab and when I use the locate button and then attempting to click on the animal on the map. It does not happen with any of my other animals
Steps To Reproduce- Attempt to view a sheep's info screen



2025-01-08 10:45

reporter   ~0042481

Can confirm. In adventure mode, when starting with a sheep pet, (an ewe in my case) and attempting to view the info, the game crashes to desktop.
I had the same crash when trying to view a salt lion (new mythical animal) So I guess lions are affected as well.

Turkeys are fine.


2025-01-08 13:54

reporter   ~0042483

This happens to me too but with ducks and chickens also (and roosters by extension).


2025-01-09 10:08

reporter   ~0042484

Last edited: 2025-01-09 10:09

Same issue with deer. Repeatable.


2025-01-11 13:10

reporter   ~0042491

Confirming, that it happens with roosters/hens/chicks, but also with lions.

How knows how many more animals are affected.


2025-01-12 23:16

viewer   ~0042493

Experienced the same with Chickens and Sheep. Deer crash the game, but Reindeer are fine, not sure about giant deer. Ducks also crash the game but Geese are fine. My dwarves can still interact with these animals with no issues though so I'm butchering every Chicken, Duck, and Sheep in my fortress

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-08 07:49 oschwarten New Issue
2025-01-08 07:49 oschwarten Tag Attached: sheep
2025-01-08 10:45 bralbaard Note Added: 0042481
2025-01-08 13:54 Guywholikesdorffort Note Added: 0042483
2025-01-09 10:08 Towita Note Added: 0042484
2025-01-09 10:09 Towita Note Edited: 0042484
2025-01-11 13:10 Reprom Note Added: 0042491
2025-01-12 23:16 anonymous Note Added: 0042493