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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013081Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Designationspublic2025-01-29 17:15
ReporterArmokGoB Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformSteamOSWindows 11 ProOS Version10.0.261
Product Version51.01-beta 
Summary0013081: Dwarves channeling large amounts of tiles on the same Z level sometimes fall, cling to walls, or cancel jobs
DescriptionI was carving skyscrapers out of a mountain, one Z level at a time. I noticed that, often, there would be one unchanneled tile somewhere in the designation area. I also noticed that my dwarves would often end up falling one Z level, or cling to the walls adjacent to the Z level they were channeling. Recently, one of my dwarves died because they fell a single Z level and landed on their throat, pulping it. I don't think most of this is intended behavior.
Steps To Reproduce1. Designate several large areas to be channeled out on a single Z level.
2. Watch as dwarves fall, single tiles remain unchanneled, and other generally odd behavior occurs.
Additional InformationThis was found in version 51.04, but it isn't on the version list yet.



2025-01-29 17:10

reporter   ~0042519

There's an ancient article on the wiki on how to prevent this behavior, but I don't see a bug report for it, and it says this behavior was fixed. This doesn't seem like intended behavior, and I didn't find another open ticket for this issue, so I'm creating a new report.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-29 17:05 ArmokGoB New Issue
2025-01-29 17:10 ArmokGoB Note Added: 0042519
2025-01-29 17:15 ArmokGoB Tag Attached: 51.04