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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013083Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Travelpublic2025-01-30 09:22
ReporterGoblin Cookie Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version51.04 
Summary0013083: ASCII graphics missing for free version of the game at travel map level.
DescriptionAt the moment the free version of the game allows you to play Adventure Mode (it isn't a paid feature).

However, despite otherwise being entirely functional, the travel map does not have any graphics but rather shows the same graphics as the world map. The travel map still functions 'behind the scenes' the same as one in the paid version of the game, but lacks any graphics and so is basically useless.

This only became a problem for me because of how badly designed the hamlets in the game are from a playability POV, because it often near-impossible to find a mead hall without a travel map, but still it is a clear oversight by the devs and I doubt a deliberate policy (or they would simply have removed the travel map altogether.

Though personally I wouldn't care if they removed the travel map from the unpaid version altogether, provided that better directions were given by site NPCs towards difficult-to-find things like mead halls.
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Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-30 09:22 Goblin Cookie New Issue