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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013090Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Petspublic2025-03-07 04:16
Reporteramade Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPC (Steam)OSWin 10OS Version19045.5371
Product Version51.04 
Fixed in Version51.07 
Summary0013090: War animals marked for slaughter does not lose slaughter flag after becoming a pet
DescriptionUsing Dwarf Therapist, I marked several war giant grizzly bears with high attributes for slaughter so I can quickly find them in the game's pets/livestock screen to assign them to squad members. I neglected to unmark them for slaughter in the pets screen and assigned them as work animals to individual squad members. Although the pets screen shows that the animals have turned into pets and the slaughter icon is no longer displayed/available, butchers still dragged the bears to the Butcher's Shop for slaughter. Using DFhack, I confirmed that the slaughter flag for the animals were still set to TRUE after becoming a pet.

Additionally, the Butcher's Shop's output of the slaughtered pet will not be taken to the refuse stockpile and instead becomes valid for burial in a zoned coffin.
Steps To Reproduce1. Build a Butcher's Shop.
2. Mark any war animal for slaughter.
3. Assign the war animal to any citizen without unmarking for slaughter.
Tagsbutcher, pets, slaughter, war animal



2025-02-06 18:27

reporter   ~0042532

Just to confirm, does the same thing happen if you mark them for slaughtering without using 3rd-party tools?


2025-02-11 08:38

reporter   ~0042541

Sorry for the late reply.

Yes, the same thing happens without using 3rd-party tools.

Toady One

2025-03-07 04:16

administrator   ~0042585

Fixed for 51.07.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-04 23:05 amade New Issue
2025-02-04 23:05 amade Tag Attached: butcher
2025-02-04 23:05 amade Tag Attached: pets
2025-02-04 23:05 amade Tag Attached: slaughter
2025-02-04 23:05 amade Tag Attached: war animal
2025-02-06 18:27 Quietust Note Added: 0042532
2025-02-11 08:38 amade Note Added: 0042541
2025-03-07 04:16 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2025-03-07 04:16 Toady One Status new => resolved
2025-03-07 04:16 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-07 04:16 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.07
2025-03-07 04:16 Toady One Note Added: 0042585