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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013105Dwarf FortressTechnical -- Input/Keybinding/Macrospublic2025-02-21 20:45
ReporterBerserknurple Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version51.05 
Summary0013105: Caps Lock continuously reverses while Dwarf Fortress is open
DescriptionI’m getting a very strange bug. My Caps Lock keeps getting reversed, and I mean within like 10 seconds of resetting it via Ctrl + Shift + Caps Lock.

This causes the game not to recognize basic keys like Esc, Space, and Enter, as well as a ton of hot keys.

I don’t believe it’s my keyboard, as this issue does not occur in other games nor in other programs. I updated keyboard drivers with no change. Does Dwarf Fortress interact with keyboard input in some unique way that other programs don’t? Anyone have any ideas?

I assume this isn’t a global issue but must be unique to my setup, but it just seems so odd that only Dwarf Fortress is affected.
Steps To ReproduceSometimes even with the only input being mouse movement, caps lock will be reversed. Seems to be random how many inputs it takes before it happens. Notably it doesn’t ever switch back to normal as far as I can tell, it only swaps to the opposite of what it should be.
Additional InformationI have two monitors, and play DF in full screen mode on my main monitor. I updated keyboard drivers and have reset my caps lock key hundreds of times at this point. I have unplugged and plugged back in my keyboard, updated windows, restarted computer, etc.
Tagscaps lock



2025-02-18 15:32

reporter   ~0042561

I apologize, I forgot to mention that I am using DFHack as well, if that makes a difference.


2025-02-21 20:44

manager   ~0042567

Last edited: 2025-02-21 20:45

DF uses SDL. Not unique in terms of keyboard handling.

What exactly does it mean to "reset your caps lock"? I can't find documentation on what ctrl+shift+capslock does, exactly.

If your keyboard has a light on the caps lock key, is that light changing?

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-18 15:30 Berserknurple New Issue
2025-02-18 15:30 Berserknurple Tag Attached: caps lock
2025-02-18 15:32 Berserknurple Note Added: 0042561
2025-02-21 20:44 lethosor Note Added: 0042567
2025-02-21 20:45 lethosor Note Edited: 0042567