View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013116Dwarf FortressGraphics and Spritespublic2025-03-19 21:46
Reporterdanydangr Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformSteamOSWindowsOS Version11
Product Version51.06 
Summary0013116: Empty unit portraits in Unit View / Squad Manager
DescriptionSome units, usually squad members, sometimes do not render inside their portrait frame visible in the Unit View / Squad Manager.
It usually happens more often the longer I play on the save, and usually get temporarily fixed by reloading the game. Altough, the bug quickly comes back.

From what I could see, it seems to happen more often when units are changing states, usually when changing their equipment or getting drenched in sweat/water/etc.

After about 1h of play, I usually have around 30% of my dwarf impacted by this bug.
Steps To Reproduce1. Create a world
2. Embark with armour and weapon
3. Add all dwarves to a squad
4. Have them equip and unequip their armour a couple of times

After some time, at least one unit should now have an empty portrait in the Unit View / Squad Manager
Additional Informationa. Video of the bug happening on a clean install with no mods:
b. Only tested in Dwarf Mode.
c. Tested with and without mods; happens in both instances.
d. Had this bug for a couple of months now.
e. Tried verifying game files on steam, and re-downloading the game from scratch, neither seems to work.
TagsUI, unit



2025-03-08 11:27

reporter   ~0042591

Uploaded the world file I used in the video:


2025-03-19 21:46

reporter   ~0042608

Just remembered that I play with Multi-Threading enabled, maybe that worsen the bug?

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-08 11:19 danydangr New Issue
2025-03-08 11:19 danydangr Tag Attached: UI
2025-03-08 11:19 danydangr Tag Attached: unit
2025-03-08 11:27 danydangr Note Added: 0042591
2025-03-19 21:46 danydangr Note Added: 0042608