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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013128Dwarf FortressInit Optionspublic2025-03-24 06:11
ReporterQuietust Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSLinux MintOS Version21
Product Version51.08 
Summary0013128: Adventurer Mode plays audio even with [SOUND:NO]
DescriptionI have [SOUND:NO] configured in prefs/init.txt, but Adventurer mode (and also Arena mode when controlling creatures) still plays sound. And because sound is disabled, the Audio tab in Options contains nothing but a few messages explaining that audio is disabled, so I can't reduce the Adventurer volume to zero.

In the end, I had to edit prefs/init.txt and manually set MUSIC_VOLUME_ADV + AMBIENCE_VOLUME_ADV + SFX_VOLUME_ADV all to 0.
Steps To Reproduce1. Set Adventurer-mode volume levels to nonzero values.
2. Set [SOUND:NO] in prefs/init.xt
3. Start a game in Adventurer mode
4. Observe that sounds are playing
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-24 06:11 Quietust New Issue