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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0001324 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Items | public | 2010-04-19 00:29 | 2014-08-13 05:11 |
Reporter | belathus | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Platform | WINE | OS | Ubuntu | OS Version | 9.10 |
Fixed in Version | 0.34.02 | ||||
Summary | 0001324: buckets full of water were used to produce lye | ||||
Description | After irrigating an underground farm, instead of deactivating the zones, I simply removed them. The buckets in use for this were left full of stagnant water. Later when I attempted to make lye, these buckets full of water were used, so they now have both lye and stagnant water in them. The buckets now seem unusable, as the dwarves won't move the lye to a stockpile and I can't convert the lye to potash. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | Make pond zone, and while dwarves are filling the pond, delete the zone. Then try to make lye using the remaining water-filled buckets. | ||||
Additional Information | I suppose this could be two separate bugs, as the dwarves aren't emptying unused buckets full of water and they're using full buckets to produce lye. Also, I doubt it matters, but I do have a slight mod -- the crematorium: | ||||
Tags | binary patch, buckets, lye, water | ||||
Do you have free barrels for them to pour the lye into? It sounds like you already know how the lye system works, but just making sure. |
Yeah, I do. I had a stockpile dedicated entirely to lye with an empty barrel sitting in it. |
Well, this is highly likely to be a duplicate of issue 1236. Finally figured out why my searches weren't returning anything, so I apologize to be duplicating bug reports, again. |
Yours has extra information about how they got filled with both lye and water, so I'll leave it open as a child of 0001236. Good catch though. |
I can corroborate this occurance. There seems to be 2 separate bugs: 1) Buckets full of water are not properly dumped out when the water is no longer needed. 2) Buckets full of water are considered empty buckets when constructing shops and performing tasks. I actually have an ashery shop that was made with a bucket full of 10 water. I can hit T and the first item is +willow bucket+ with the B after signifying that it's part of the building. If I open it up I can see the water as well. |
I just had an interesting case that's probably related. I built a well and then once it was complete I noticed that there was a crowd of thirsty dwarves around it that didn't seem to be thinning. I took a look and the well bucket was being constantly raised and lowered, raised and lowered, without spending any time at the top. Upon examination I discovered that the bucket was completely full of lye - there was no room for water in it, so when it was lowered and raised it didn't bring anything to drink. I ordered the well dismantled and the mason took it apart while the bucket was still lowered into the water. The bucket fell into the water and was lost. |
Addendum; I save-scummed back to just before the well had been finished and canceled construction, causing the well's components to be scattered near the construction site. The bucket did indeed contain lye. When I ordered the well rebuilt I tried examining the bucket with the "view" command, but it didn't reveal the bucket's contents. It appears the only way to check if a bucket is safe for use in a well is to hunt it down in the stockpiles. |
Is there anything I can do to the buckets? It seems I can't dump the water or lye from it. |
I ran into this in a particularly irritating way. The pond that was being filled kept on giving job cancellation messages for "inappropriate building." (I checked around trying to figure out what I was doing wrong with the pond, looked at how I was doing it, and was stumped; how I was doing it checked out as straightforward and in line with how you're supposed to do it.) Anyway, every job cancellation produced an effectively ruined bucket (except for adding lye to them). I eventually atom-smashed them. But it does seem giving water to dwarves, wounded or non-wounded, leaves some portion (6-8, from what I saw) of water in the buckets, again yielding the same result. |
Jiri Petru: I solved this by atom-smashing all buckets and stopping production of lye (which i now oder from caravans if i want soap) and making potash directly from ash. |
Still broken in 31.25. In my case, buckets used to bring water to patients were not emptied before being used to create lye. |
>>> "Is there anything I can do to the buckets?" Yes, you can mark each bucket for trade, wait for your dwarves to bring them to the depot, (which will empty them from water only) and then unmark them for trade. This way, buckets with lye and water contains only lye, and are being used for soap making |
behbehr: for that to work, you have to forbid the water inside the buckets beforehand. |
I've had mixed success with forbidding the water in the buckets. Does it always work for you, Q? |
kwieland: yes, it always works for me. Looking more closely, this appears to be due to the "Make Lye" job using the same job item flag as [NOT_CONTAIN_BARREL_ITEM], which forces the bucket to be "lye/milk-free" - switching it to require the bucket to be [EMPTY] would probably fix this bug. |
The following binary patch (for Win32 DF 0.31.25 SDL) will make the "Make Lye" job require an "empty bucket" instead of a "lye/milk-free bucket": 0x38034A : 18 00 00 00 08 -> 0C 00 04 00 00 This does not affect any other jobs. |
Binary patch for version 0.31.25 Linux: (untested) 60F531 : 18 00 00 00 08 -> 0C 00 04 00 00 |
This one should be sorted out now. Thanks Quietust! |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2010-04-19 00:29 | belathus | New Issue | |
2010-04-19 01:17 |
Note Added: 0004198 | |
2010-04-22 12:20 | belathus | Note Added: 0004629 | |
2010-04-22 12:54 | Kennel | Tag Attached: buckets | |
2010-04-22 12:54 | Kennel | Tag Attached: lye | |
2010-04-22 12:54 | Kennel | Tag Attached: water | |
2010-04-22 15:10 | belathus | Note Added: 0004637 | |
2010-04-22 15:33 |
Relationship added | child of 0001236 |
2010-04-22 15:34 |
Note Added: 0004644 | |
2010-05-21 23:27 | Chthon | Note Added: 0007162 | |
2010-05-30 00:09 | Bryan Derksen | Note Added: 0007479 | |
2010-05-30 00:13 | Bryan Derksen | Note Added: 0007480 | |
2010-06-10 15:42 | Jiri Petru | Note Added: 0008081 | |
2010-06-27 18:35 | ChickenLips | Note Added: 0009177 | |
2010-07-21 02:00 | zwei | Note Added: 0010775 | |
2011-04-02 20:03 | troas | Note Added: 0016995 | |
2011-04-02 20:04 | troas | Note Edited: 0016995 | |
2011-08-07 06:01 |
Relationship added | related to 0004806 |
2011-10-03 09:31 | behbehr | Note Added: 0018774 | |
2011-10-03 11:41 | Quietust | Note Added: 0018775 | |
2011-10-05 06:48 | kwieland | Note Added: 0018782 | |
2011-10-21 18:11 | Quietust | Note Added: 0018875 | |
2011-11-25 19:39 | Quietust | Note Added: 0019037 | |
2011-11-25 19:54 | Quietust | Tag Attached: binary patch | |
2012-01-22 14:03 | Quietust | Note Edited: 0019037 | |
2012-02-01 10:16 | Quietust | Note Added: 0019450 | |
2012-02-16 16:48 | Toady One | Note Added: 0019864 | |
2012-02-16 16:48 | Toady One | Status | new => resolved |
2012-02-16 16:48 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2012-02-16 16:48 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2012-02-16 16:48 | Toady One | Assigned To | => Toady One |
2012-03-23 08:30 |
Relationship replaced | has duplicate 0001236 |
2012-03-23 08:30 |
Relationship added | has duplicate 0003066 |