View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001518Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Building Constructionpublic2018-01-08 16:03
Reporterilmoran Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
OSWindows Vista 64 bitOS VersionBusiness SP1 
Product Version0.31.03 
Fixed in Version0.44.04 
Summary0001518: When naming burrows, "ESC: Back" appears on screen, but Esc does nothing
DescriptionWhen naming burrows, the interface shows "ENTER: Done naming" and "ESC: Back", however pressing Esc doesn't do anything.
Steps To ReproduceCreate Burrow
Set Custom name
While naming burrow, press Escape
Tagsburrow, burrows, naming



2010-04-27 00:45

reporter   ~0005300

I believe this is related to the inconsistent use of ESC and ESCAPE in the interface.txt file. Try changing all instances of ESC to ESCAPE.


2010-04-27 14:59

reporter   ~0005412

Tried changing ESC to ESCAPE in the interface.txt, still happens. It made it so the screen shows "ESCAPE: Back" rather than "ESC: Back", but other than that no change.


2015-06-27 14:46

manager   ~0032811

Present in 0.40.24.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-25 05:27 ilmoran New Issue
2010-04-25 05:28 ilmoran Tag Attached: burrows
2010-04-25 05:28 ilmoran Tag Attached: naming
2010-04-27 00:45 ManaUser Note Added: 0005300
2010-04-27 14:59 ilmoran Note Added: 0005412
2011-10-27 01:25 Kogut Tag Attached: burrow
2015-06-27 14:46 lethosor Note Added: 0032811
2015-06-27 14:46 lethosor Assigned To => lethosor
2015-06-27 14:46 lethosor Status new => confirmed
2018-01-08 16:03 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2018-01-08 16:03 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2018-01-08 16:03 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2018-01-08 16:03 Toady One Assigned To lethosor => Toady One