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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001760Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Stockpilespublic2024-03-25 14:22
Reportercrossmr Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0001760: Items get hauled to far-away stockpile instead of nearby one
DescriptionI have a custom seed and pigtail stockpile for my farm. I haven't grown pigtails yet. I was just checking the stockpile because it seemed awful full. There were several prepared food barrels on the stockpile. I double checked the settings and they haven't been changed. The regular food stockpile isn't remotely full and much closer to the cook.



related to 0001643 resolveduser6 Dwarves choose to do hauling/collecting jobs furthest away 



2010-05-05 09:17


Last edited: 2010-05-05 09:19

I'm pretty sure you can disallow prepared meals from your pigtail stockpile if you don't want them to get put there.

Anyway, I'm not sure whether this is a bug. Was the pigtail stockpile created before the regular food stockpile? Are you sure you didn't disable prepared meals for the food stockpile? Does the regular food stockpile contain items that are hidden beneath stones ('k' over it to check)? Are both stockpiles permitted the maximum number of barrels?


2010-05-05 17:50

reporter   ~0006222

They were disallowed. That was the point.
did edit the title because I don't remember writing that title?
The pigtail stockpile was a custom stockpile specifically for seeds and pigtails near the farm. Everything else was disallowed.
The dwarfs took prepared meals and instead of dropping them on the nearby stockpile where they were allowed, they hauled them up to another level to a further away stockpile where they are disallowed and have always been disallowed.


2010-05-05 19:57

reporter   ~0006229

Dwarves do have a habit of hauling stuff to a spare empty barrel, bin or bag no matter what stockpile the container occupies. As far as I know, that's always been the case. Usually a job is then generated to move the container to an appropriate stockpile. If something is preventing that job being carried out, I can see how the stockpiles get cluttered up with the wrong goods.


2010-05-05 21:15


Last edited: 2010-05-05 21:17

I edited the summary, yeah.

If you wait a while, do they haul the barrels to the other stockpile as per Lazygun's explanation?

Are you sure you disabled prepared meals? I think it has a special toggle ('u'?), so the stockpile will still accept meals even if you blocked/forbade all the categories.

If neither of those explain it, it'd probably be helpful if you upload your save to


2010-05-06 08:28

reporter   ~0006274

Ah okay,oops
now that you mentioned it yes. It was allowed, why is that a special toggle? doesn't explain why they hauled it up the stairs and to the other side of the fort rather than 2 squares over to the nearby stockpile when there are plenty of free barrels and squares available.


2010-05-06 09:04


I think it's a special toggle because it doesn't really fit into the other categories, but yeah, like sand bags in the furniture stockpile, it's been the source of much heartbreak and confusion.

Hauling can be a little strange when stockpiles can compete for items. Which stockpile did you create first? Could the far-away stockpile have a shorter straight-line distance to the kitchen or wherever? It uses straight-line distance rather than the actual pathfinding distance in a lot of situations, to speed things up.


2010-05-06 17:15

reporter   ~0006318

Nope. The closer one is literally 2-3 squares over from the kitchen. The other one , even ignoring going to the stairs and z-level is over 20 squares away.
The closer one was created first as well.
Since I've toggled prepared meals they've started hauling them, but I'm not sure why they took them there in the first place.


2010-05-06 18:32


Oddness. Thanks for all the followup!


2010-05-07 02:09

reporter   ~0006337

There was a lot too. Not just 1 or 2. it was nearly half of the faraway stock pile. About 15 barrels or so.


2010-06-12 16:16

reporter   ~0008226

Just a guess: if 'haul item to stockpile' jobs are generated by the stockpile, rather than the item, then it may be that when a dwarf is picking a job it'll pick up one that is closer.

Another guess: many jobs are put to stack rather than queue, for instance furniture building, so it may be that jobs to fill the newer stockpile are on top of the stack and get picked first, and after that there is no stuff left to fill the older one.


2012-02-29 16:58

reporter   ~0020927

I just want to mention in 34.03 this is STILL happening.
I've got a cloth stockpile on z level 82
and one on 148.
the farmers work shop is on 148
The one on 148 still has over a dozen empty spots on it. Dwarves regularly take pig tail threads down to the stockpile on 82.


2013-01-01 10:25

reporter   ~0023810

Just wanted to mention I'm having a similar issue too. I tried to set up a stockpile next to my farms that only accepted plants with the goal being to use minecarts to deliver from the plant stockpile to the main food stockpile. But, the dwarves ignore the nearby plant stockpile and instead haul the plants to the main food stockpile which is significantly further away.


2024-03-25 13:48

reporter   ~0042123

Just wanted to drop by and say that the bug is still very much alive.

I have a similar to DrowningFish's problem with my farms. I made a stockpile for fresh plants from my farming plots in the cavern. I wanted to save some time for my planter, so he could drop off the harvested plants nearby and push the hauling jobs onto others. My kitchen is pretty far up from the farming plots. The stockpile is set to give to the kitchen.

Thing is, all harvesters ignore the nearby stockpile and haul directly to the kitchen stockpile. The nearby stockpile is perfectly accesable and dwarfs actually use it if I forbid plump helmets from the kitchen's stockpile. Well, now my cook needs to go all the way to the farm plots stockpile...

I tried to delete and re-create both stockpiles. This doesn't fix anything. Tried clearing the "give to" links with the same result. Tried adding a third, intermediary pile between them in the chain and it doesn't work too. The fort is still young, and I don't have any burrows or alerts/invaders. Both stockpiles have the option to get inputs from anywhere, so it's not a link problem. Both aren't forbidden and have no forbidden doors or passages on the way. I didn't touch the pathing logic/priority. Plants themselves aren't forbidden too. Fresh plump helms aren't owned by anybody, and I can see the whole cycle of growing without any problems. There are no looping hauling tasks in the fort. Umm... I don't know what to add.


2024-03-25 14:22

reporter   ~0042124

Oh, I'm using v50.12 with premium graphics

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-05-05 07:56 crossmr New Issue
2010-05-05 09:15 user6 Summary Dwarves put item on wrong stockpile => Items get hauled to faraway stockpile instead of nearby one
2010-05-05 09:17 user6 Note Added: 0006175
2010-05-05 09:17 user6 Tag Attached: Intentional?
2010-05-05 09:19 user6 Note Edited: 0006175
2010-05-05 17:50 crossmr Note Added: 0006222
2010-05-05 19:57 Lazygun Note Added: 0006229
2010-05-05 21:15 user6 Note Added: 0006237
2010-05-05 21:16 user6 Note Edited: 0006237
2010-05-05 21:16 user6 Note Edited: 0006237
2010-05-05 21:17 user6 Note Edited: 0006237
2010-05-05 21:17 user6 Tag Detached: Intentional?
2010-05-06 08:28 crossmr Note Added: 0006274
2010-05-06 09:04 user6 Note Added: 0006281
2010-05-06 09:04 user6 Summary Items get hauled to faraway stockpile instead of nearby one => Items get hauled to far-away stockpile instead of nearby one
2010-05-06 09:04 user6 Tag Attached: Intentional?
2010-05-06 17:15 crossmr Note Added: 0006318
2010-05-06 18:32 user6 Note Added: 0006323
2010-05-07 02:09 crossmr Note Added: 0006337
2010-06-03 09:06 user6 Relationship added parent of 0001795
2010-06-03 09:06 user6 Relationship added parent of 0002140
2010-06-12 01:58 user6 Relationship added parent of 0002235
2010-06-12 16:16 Kumquat Note Added: 0008226
2010-06-13 00:48 user6 Relationship deleted parent of 0001795
2010-06-13 18:14 user6 Relationship replaced related to 0002235
2010-06-13 18:15 user6 Relationship replaced parent of 0002235
2010-06-13 18:15 user6 Relationship deleted parent of 0002140
2010-07-12 12:03 user6 Tag Renamed Intentional? => Intentional/Expected?
2011-03-10 20:30 user11 Relationship added child of 0001643
2011-03-10 20:31 user11 Relationship deleted parent of 0002235
2012-02-29 16:58 crossmr Note Added: 0020927
2013-01-01 10:25 DrowningFish Note Added: 0023810
2014-01-27 14:33 user6 Relationship replaced related to 0001643
2024-03-25 13:48 DumDum Note Added: 0042123
2024-03-25 14:22 DumDum Note Added: 0042124