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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002086Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Generalpublic2010-06-09 06:45
ReporterMrWiggles Assigned Touser6 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformG4 iMac 17OSOSXOS Version10.4.11
Product Version0.31.04 
Summary0002086: Military Menu is called m is pressed in quick session of another menu key. OSX
DescriptionWhen pressing u-m to get to the manager screen quickly, I'll find myself at the military screen some time. Other times, I'll get to the Manager Screen but when I press ESC, it'll take the Military Screen.
Steps To ReproduceJust press u-m rather fast.

I have my key separation at about 274ms.
Tagsmanger screen, military screen, OSX


duplicate of 0002072 resolvedBaughn Hitting two keys in quick succession can result in wrong menu being opened 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-05-27 17:29 MrWiggles New Issue
2010-05-27 17:30 MrWiggles Tag Attached: military screen
2010-05-27 17:30 MrWiggles Tag Attached: OSX
2010-05-27 17:30 MrWiggles Tag Attached: manger screen
2010-05-27 17:33 user6 Relationship added duplicate of 0002072
2010-05-27 17:33 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-05-27 17:33 user6 Resolution open => duplicate
2010-05-27 17:33 user6 Assigned To => user6
2010-06-09 06:45 Toady One Status resolved => closed