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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002328Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Moodspublic2010-06-15 08:59
ReporterSeveQ Assigned Touser6 
PrioritynormalSeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionduplicate 
Platformx64OSWindows 7OS VersionProfessional
Product Version0.31.06 
Summary0002328: Crash when looking into dwarf's mind
DescriptionYesterday I experienced a crash while I was trying to read a dwarf's mind, e.g. looking at his thoughts.
Steps To ReproduceDon't know... haven't tried to reproduce yet. Hadn't got the time.
Additional InformationHe was a miner. I designated a mine shaft to be dug out (down stairs, up/down stairs, up/down stairs and so on to a level far beneath the surface). He only dug one level and stopped working. Looking at the job list he had No Job assigned. I wanted to know what might have caused that by taking a look into his brain and the game crashed.


duplicate of 0002215 resolvedToady One Viewing a dwarf's Thoughts and Preferences causes a crash when viewed with the window maximized 



2010-06-14 14:12


What screen resolution and tile size are you using? If the game window is more than 200 tiles wide, it'll crash on that screen -- see 0002215.


2010-06-15 08:52

reporter   ~0008509

Ah, okay. I don't know exactly what resolution I use but it's definitely wider than 200 tiles. So that's indeed related to 0000726. But it's strange. How can a crash appearing in a certain in-game situation be related to the screen resolution? Shouldn't these two things be totally independent? Well... who am I to think about Toady's programming skills. :)


2010-06-15 08:58


Last edited: 2010-06-15 09:00

The menus are supposed to limit themselves to 200 tiles, but some of them evidently failed to enforce this, instead depending on another part of the program to enforce it. In the pre-SDL versions it was enforced by the init parser, I think, but the new auto-resizing circumvents that, so there were no safeguards. Most likely this caused an array-out-of-bounds crash.

Anyway, as noted at 0002215, it should be fixed for the upcoming release.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-06-14 13:57 SeveQ New Issue
2010-06-14 14:12 user6 Note Added: 0008430
2010-06-14 14:12 smjjames Tag Attached: thoughts
2010-06-14 15:11 Logical2u Relationship added related to 0000726
2010-06-15 08:52 SeveQ Note Added: 0008509
2010-06-15 08:58 user6 Note Added: 0008513
2010-06-15 08:58 user6 Relationship added duplicate of 0002215
2010-06-15 08:58 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-06-15 08:58 user6 Resolution open => duplicate
2010-06-15 08:58 user6 Assigned To => user6
2010-06-15 08:59 user6 Relationship deleted related to 0000726
2010-06-15 08:59 user6 Note Edited: 0008513
2010-06-15 08:59 user6 Note Edited: 0008513
2010-06-15 09:00 user6 Note Edited: 0008513
2010-06-15 09:00 user6 Note Edited: 0008513