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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002554Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Artifactspublic2010-08-19 01:56
ReporterLost Assigned Touser11 
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version0.31.08 
Summary0002554: Stop naming your damn weapon!
DescriptionOne of my military dwarves has made his hammer into an artifact by naming it, but every few minutes, he renames the same hammer. He's about two steps away from being thrown into the magma sea.
Steps To ReproduceRecreate the boot camp scene from Full Metal Jacket. Issue them their weapons and hope they get attached.
Additional InformationIf this is Urist McPyle, things are going to get interesting very soon.
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-07-03 16:35


Last edited: 2010-07-03 16:35

Are you sure you're using DF version 31.08? This is a bug that was fixed in 31.08 -- see 0000667.


2010-07-16 10:33


Reminder sent to: Lost

Any updates? Are you sure you're using DF version 31.08? This is a bug that was fixed in 31.08 -- see 0000667.


2010-07-16 10:35

reporter   ~0010435

Yes. Very certain. I know that I'm using 31.08. I'm going to switch to the new version today and reclaim the Fortress and see if the same anomaly happens again.


2010-08-07 10:52


Reminder sent to: Lost

Do you have a 31.12 save that demonstrates this problem?


2010-08-07 12:25

reporter   ~0011603

I'm trying to get a save right now. The dwarves are starting to get attached to their weaponry, but no one has named them yet. I'll upload a save as soon as the bug rears its ugly head again.


2010-08-19 01:56


Lost, if you or any other reporter can provide a save where this problem occurs in a version 31.12 and above, please upload a save, reopen this report and provide your new feedback.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-07-03 16:31 Lost New Issue
2010-07-03 16:35 user6 Note Added: 0009596
2010-07-03 16:35 user6 Note Edited: 0009596
2010-07-16 10:16 user11 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-07-16 10:33 user6 Note Added: 0010434
2010-07-16 10:35 Lost Note Added: 0010435
2010-08-07 10:52 user6 Note Added: 0011601
2010-08-07 12:25 Lost Note Added: 0011603
2010-08-19 01:56 user11 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-19 01:56 user11 Note Added: 0011913
2010-08-19 01:56 user11 Status new => resolved
2010-08-19 01:56 user11 Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2010-08-19 01:56 user11 Assigned To => user11