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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003048Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Announcements: Message Spampublic2010-08-18 12:49
ReporterShurhaian Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
OSWindowsOS VersionWinXP SP3 
Product Version0.31.12 
Summary0003048: Identical announcements not reliably collated
DescriptionWhen the same announcement is issued multiple times in a row, it will sometimes be collected into a single line with a multiplier, sometimes not, resulting in unnecessary spam in the announcements view.

It seems to only collate announcements which are simultaneous, rather than recognising a series of identical announcements and bundling them together. This leads to massive spam when a highly-skilled dwarf is doing a particular task repeatedly - crafting or especially engraving. I'm pretty sure prior versions would recognize consecutive repeated messages and increase the multiplier.
Steps To ReproduceCause a single announcement to happen repeatedly. At its simplest:

-Build a workshop.
-Arrange skills or profiles such that only one dwarf will attempt to use this workshop.
-Queue up multiples of a task for which resources are not present.
-Wait for the tasks to be cancelled.
-Do this again.
-If another message happens in between these trials, repeat until it doesn't.
-See that consecutive identical messages aren't being grouped in the <a>nnouncements view.

Or, set a highly-skilled crafter to make mugs/goblets/cups when nothing much else is happening in the fortress. Odds are that there will be sets of x1-x3 "masterpiece" messages, even if several happen in a row without another message between them.
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2010-08-17 18:43


Perhaps there are hidden announcements in between the ungrouped "consecutive" announcements? Try changing your announcement settings and see if that explains it.


2010-08-18 12:49

reporter   ~0011896

Last edited: 2010-08-18 12:54

Testing init-file changes is... difficult, for me; with only 1GB of RAM and a somewhat old system in general, loading a fort can take multiple minutes.

I did attempt to set the Announcements setting to announce all job cancellations, and I still got the same "has created a masterpiece!" announcement several times in a row, each time on a separate line of the announcements log. There are no combat reports in this time. That only leaves the set of announcements that are UCR_A but not D_D(I have no announcements which are set to not display at all in dwarf mode, nothing that's e.g. A_D only).

It still seems to me that suppressed announcements interrupting this "collection" would be undesirable behaviour... but given the lack of fighting going on, and that the only suppressed messages are a subset of combat-related ones, that doesn't seem to be what's happening anyway.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-08-16 18:53 Shurhaian New Issue
2010-08-17 18:43 user6 Note Added: 0011873
2010-08-18 12:49 Shurhaian Note Added: 0011896
2010-08-18 12:54 Shurhaian Note Edited: 0011896