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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003112Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Noblespublic2010-09-07 04:52
ReporterAravinS Assigned Touser11 
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version0.31.12 
Summary0003112: Nobles get unhappy from working
DescriptionRecently, i got a baron. He was a legendary miner-engraver-mayor. So, even after becoming noble, he continued working and i was very pleased with it. Until i noticed him being very unhappy. I switched off all his works and decided to watch what bad though has he gotten into his head - nothing. Then, after working as miner for 10-20 days more, he got unhappy again.
So, in 2010 versions you can get noble work, but actually they will have happiness decreasing over working time?

Then they should get something like "Was upset about being forced to work" in their thoughts screen.
Steps To Reproduce1) Get a baron
2) Get him do previous labor
3) Watch his mood after 10 days of work (better use Dwarf Therapist)
TagsNo tags attached.



2010-08-27 10:54

reporter   ~0012162

He's become miserable, though he doesn't work. I can't get him out of miserable mood...

He has a thought "Was upset about punishment delayed". Actually twice already. Is it a reason?


2010-08-27 11:13


Nobles get upset if mandates are missed, criminals go unpunished and if someone has better rooms than they do, among other things.

Has one of his friends or a pet died? Is he walking through miasma? Is he doing things he doesn't like (such as giving someone water when if he doesn't like helping others)?

Could be many things, but they should show thoughts.

Regarding the criminals, do you have a sheriff or captain of the guard along with justice-designated ropes/chains/cages to be able to punish people?


2010-08-27 11:18

reporter   ~0012167

Well, i remember 1 mandate went missing when he was a mayor.
The room - i am sure, it's not an issue - he and his wife have best apartaments. Full of artifact furniture and masterwork engravings.
So it's mandate.
Okey, then i should appoint sheriff i guess.


2010-08-27 12:18

reporter   ~0012168

I appointed sheriff and the criminal was caged. But my baron is still miserable...
Now i noticed that he became jealous. Ye, there some dwarf who have royal dinner room, but if you count in numbers, then he def. have the most opulent dinner room.
How do i make sure that HIS legendary dinner room is the best?


2010-08-27 12:28


Is the noble's unhappiness explained by the jealousy thing, then?


2010-08-27 12:48

reporter   ~0012170

Can't be sure. Even if i had his apartaments boosted, he is still miserable. No matter what he does (drink, eat in legendary dinner room etc) he is still miserable. His mood just doesn't get better...


2010-08-27 13:12

reporter   ~0012171

Last edited: 2010-08-27 13:13

Okey... he's got this thought

Was utterly traumatized by a lesser's pretentious dining arrangements lately

What does it mean? He dined in some crappy dinner room? Or is he jealous?

And also - whenever he gets just "very unhappy" state he just rolls back to miserable almost immediately. What does it mean?


2010-08-27 13:24


That doesn't necessarily mean his is lower value, it means that someone else has a higher value dining room assigned to them than they are supposed to.

If someone only needs a modest dining room, but has an opulent one assigned to them, that will make the higher up nobles get angry.


2010-08-27 22:33

reporter   ~0012183

Hm...i guess it was a bad idea to promote my mayor to baron, since no one in my fortress has a room lower than opulent.
So i have to reassign rooms to EVERY dwarf or only those who have requirements?


2010-08-28 00:07

reporter   ~0012184

Okey, i got it. It's not the issue. Can anyone change the name of theme? Rather like this one "Baron got stuck in miserable state"

No matter what i do, he's just miserable. None of usual positive thoughts makes him feel better - his mood is just stuck at being miserable.


2010-08-28 02:10

reporter   ~0012185

Good. I've solved the issue. It turned out to be just my inability to grasp noble's psychology. Please, close the theme.


2010-08-28 05:15


Ok, thanks for the follow-up testing. If you feel this ends up not being the case, please reopen the report and post your findings.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-08-27 10:18 AravinS New Issue
2010-08-27 10:54 AravinS Note Added: 0012162
2010-08-27 11:13 user11 Note Added: 0012166
2010-08-27 11:13 user11 Tag Attached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-27 11:18 AravinS Note Added: 0012167
2010-08-27 12:18 AravinS Note Added: 0012168
2010-08-27 12:28 user6 Note Added: 0012169
2010-08-27 12:48 AravinS Note Added: 0012170
2010-08-27 13:12 AravinS Note Added: 0012171
2010-08-27 13:13 AravinS Note Edited: 0012171
2010-08-27 13:24 user11 Note Added: 0012172
2010-08-27 22:33 AravinS Note Added: 0012183
2010-08-28 00:07 AravinS Note Added: 0012184
2010-08-28 02:10 AravinS Note Added: 0012185
2010-08-28 05:14 user11 Tag Detached: AWAITING UPDATE
2010-08-28 05:15 user11 Note Added: 0012186
2010-08-28 05:15 user11 Status new => resolved
2010-08-28 05:15 user11 Resolution open => no change required
2010-08-28 05:15 user11 Assigned To => user11