View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003277Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Designationspublic2010-09-19 08:44
Reporterahaa Assigned ToLogical2u  
Status resolvedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformAMDOSWindowsOS Version7
Product Version0.31.13 
Summary0003277: Unable to designate adamantium for mining
DescriptionUnable to designate adamantium for mining, smoothing or engraving first does not affect.
Steps To ReproduceDesignate adamantium for mining, fail doing so.
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0003266 resolvedToady One Can't mine Adamantine 



2010-09-19 08:02

reporter   ~0012813

Having exactly the same problem.


2010-09-19 08:44

manager   ~0012814

Bring it over to 0003266, please.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-09-19 05:47 ahaa New Issue
2010-09-19 08:02 thakh Note Added: 0012813
2010-09-19 08:44 Logical2u Note Added: 0012814
2010-09-19 08:44 Logical2u Relationship added duplicate of 0003266
2010-09-19 08:44 Logical2u Status new => resolved
2010-09-19 08:44 Logical2u Resolution open => duplicate
2010-09-19 08:44 Logical2u Assigned To => Logical2u