View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003326Dwarf FortressTitle Screenpublic2010-09-27 06:34
Reportervadia Assigned ToLogical2u  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
OS Versionxp 2002 
Product Version0.31.14 
Summary0003326: no "quit"
Descriptionwhen I try to shut down df there is no "quit df" option and even pressing the red "x" box only goes to the escape menu. to quit I have to go to task manager.
Steps To Reproducetry to quit
TagsNo tags attached.


Village Idiot

2010-09-27 01:07

reporter   ~0013015

You should simply save the game or abandon the fortress, then quit from the main menu.


2010-09-27 02:56


Are you on the main menu? It's quite possible for the Quit option to have been pushed off the first page of options by the Continue playing and Start playing options. Scrolling up or down should get you there.


2010-09-27 04:38

reporter   ~0013017

I thought I had scrolled down. Baby wakes me up in middle of night brain

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-09-26 22:39 vadia New Issue
2010-09-27 01:07 Village Idiot Note Added: 0013015
2010-09-27 02:56 user1294 Note Added: 0013016
2010-09-27 04:37 vadia Tag Attached: CLOSE THIS
2010-09-27 04:38 vadia Note Added: 0013017
2010-09-27 06:34 Logical2u Status new => resolved
2010-09-27 06:34 Logical2u Resolution open => no change required
2010-09-27 06:34 Logical2u Assigned To => Logical2u
2010-09-27 06:34 Logical2u Tag Detached: CLOSE THIS