View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004169Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Jobs, Generalpublic2014-01-17 10:38
Reportersunfire1226 Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritynoneSeveritytrivialReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMacOSOSX LeapordOS Version10.5.8
Product Version0.31.21 
Fixed in Version0.31.24 
Summary0004169: In kiln clay crafts and statues set to 's' key
DescriptionIn the kiln jobs list both the clay statue and clay crafts are set to the 's' key, it defaults to statues, and doesn't really effect game play at all.
TagsProbable Quick Fix


has duplicate 0004186 resolveduser6 Clay statue and clay crafts both use same shortcut key, s 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-03-08 21:16 sunfire1226 New Issue
2011-03-10 08:40 AO Tag Attached: interface
2011-03-10 08:40 AO Tag Attached: Probable Quick Fix
2011-03-10 08:40 AO Tag Attached: user interface
2011-03-10 09:30 user6 Tag Detached: Probable Quick Fix
2011-03-10 09:30 user6 Tag Detached: interface
2011-03-10 09:30 user6 Tag Detached: user interface
2011-03-10 09:35 user6 Tag Attached: Probable Quick Fix
2011-03-10 15:11 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0004186
2011-03-27 02:08 Toady One Status new => resolved
2011-03-27 02:08 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2011-03-27 02:08 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2011-03-27 02:08 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One