View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005254Dwarf FortressCreaturespublic2012-02-20 16:46
ReporterIncompleteness Assigned ToToady One  
PrioritylowSeveritytrivialReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindows 7 Home PremiumOS Version64 bits
Product Version0.34.01 
Fixed in Version0.34.03 
Summary0005254: Only one member of a flock of Giant Keas steals an item, then the entire flock, except the thief, returns for more.
DescriptionThe thief leaves the map with the item, triggering an announcement. Then the rest of the flock returns and repeats the operation until the last single Giant Kea has stolen its item.

It seems to me they should all steal an item together and make off with it or follow their leader/thief off the map.

I did not notice normal Kea flocks do this but I wasn't watching closely for them to leave while hiding all my dwarves underground. One of the Giant Keas got a special name after killing a hunter marksdwarf trying to defend the items.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003876 new Wild animals keep trying to follow their cage-trapped companions 


Pickled Tink

2012-02-18 05:42

reporter   ~0020028

I think this might be related to the herd pathfinding behaviour I noted and reported in (Though this is not a duplicate of that)

Herd pathfinding is a follow the leader conga line. If the leader dies or leaves, next in line becomes the leader. So they run in after the leader, who steals stuff. Then the leader runs away and they follow till it leaves the map, then they go "ooh! Shinies!" and come back for more.

Toady One

2012-02-20 16:46

administrator   ~0020296

Yeah, it was a missing LOOSE_CLUSTERS tag.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-02-18 03:44 Incompleteness New Issue
2012-02-18 05:42 Pickled Tink Note Added: 0020028
2012-02-18 05:57 user1294 Relationship added related to 0003876
2012-02-20 16:46 Toady One Note Added: 0020296
2012-02-20 16:46 Toady One Status new => resolved
2012-02-20 16:46 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2012-02-20 16:46 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2012-02-20 16:46 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One