View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005400Dwarf FortressTechnical -- Renderingpublic2012-03-03 21:46
Reporterd64 Assigned ToBaughn  
Status resolvedResolutionwon't fix 
Platformx86-64OSWin7 pro 64bitOS Versionsp1 7601
Product Version0.34.02 
Summary0005400: Resizing window causes freeze with GeForce 295.73 drivers
Description32.02 was working fine for me since the release. I was using FRAME_BUFFER rendering mode with a maximized window. Today I installed the Geforce 295.73 drivers that were released yesterday (I have an MSI GTX 560ti gpu). After this, I can launch DF, but maximizing or resizing the window makes the program freeze. The window does not update, and I can see in task manager that it is taking 25% cpu on a 4-core machine. Program has to be killed from task manager.

I tried also STANDARD rendering mode, but the same thing happened there. 2D seems to work as usually.
Steps To Reproduce- Have my setup (Nvidia gpu + 295.73 drivers + Win7 64bit)
- Run game in FRAME_BUFFER or STANDARD rendering mode
- Try to resize window
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has duplicate 0005535 resolvedLogical2u Resizing window causes freeze with GeForce 295.73 drivers 



2012-02-22 13:33


Reminder sent to: Baughn

Baughn, I leave it up to you to decide whether this is a "won't fix" or what.


2012-02-22 14:02

manager   ~0020489

There is no way I can do anything about this, other than perhaps blacklisting the GPU, and I don't want to do that unless someone else has the same problem. WONTFIX for now.


2012-02-22 14:02

manager   ~0020490

I don't have one of those cards.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-02-22 13:25 d64 New Issue
2012-02-22 13:32 user6 Status new => assigned
2012-02-22 13:32 user6 Assigned To => Baughn
2012-02-22 13:33 user6 Note Added: 0020482
2012-02-22 14:02 Baughn Note Added: 0020489
2012-02-22 14:02 Baughn Note Added: 0020490
2012-02-22 14:02 Baughn Status assigned => closed
2012-02-22 14:02 Baughn Resolution open => won't fix
2012-02-22 18:05 user6 Status closed => resolved
2012-03-04 06:19 Logical2u Relationship added has duplicate 0005535