View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000571Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Interface, Announcementspublic2010-06-09 06:47
Reportertme321 Assigned Touser6 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformAMD Phenom 2 QuadCore X86OSWindows 7 OS VersionPro x64
Product Version0.31.01 
Summary0000571: 300 Silver Bars Required For Sterling SIlver
DescriptionWhen trying to make Sterling Silver on repeat, when I ran out of silver to make it with the Alert said: .. cancels Make sterling silver bars: Needs 300 silver bars.
Additional InformationI have a screenshot if desired
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duplicate of 0000063 resolvedToady One Steel Bar Cancel - 150 Iron Bars 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-05 22:46 tme321 New Issue
2010-04-05 22:48 user6 Relationship added duplicate of 0000063
2010-04-05 22:48 user6 Status new => resolved
2010-04-05 22:48 user6 Resolution open => duplicate
2010-04-05 22:48 user6 Assigned To => user6
2010-06-09 06:47 Toady One Status resolved => closed