View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005929Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Transport/Haulingpublic2012-05-27 18:22
Reporterwebber Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.34.09 
Fixed in Version0.34.11 
Summary0005929: Dwarves do not ride minecarts when there is no access to destination stop.
DescriptionIf there is a route with two stops and the first one has "ride" order, dwarves won`t ride unless they have pedestrian access to the second stop. The job doesn`t appear in job list.
Steps To Reproduce1) Dig two rooms and connect them with a tunnel. Carve a track in the tunnel. Build track stops at the beginning and the end of a track.
2) Build a door in a middle of a track. Build two pressure plates like this: PP__D__PP. Connect them to the door.
3) Set a route with two stops - the first one with "ride always", the second with "push always" and opposite destination (I don`t think any orders for the second stop are needed to reproduce the bug, but you may need them to get the minecart back later).
4) Check that dwarves do have access to the first room and there is no other access from first room to second except through the tunnel.
5) Assign a minecart to the route. Watch it to be brought to the first stop. And nobody will try to ride it unless you create an access between rooms (dig another tunnel, for example) or just remove the second stop from the route.
Tagsminecart travel



2012-05-20 08:20

reporter   ~0022633

Please upload save that reproduces this problem.


2012-05-20 10:45

reporter   ~0022635

Excuse me, cannot see any way to attach a file here. Should I use DFFD?


2012-05-20 11:43

reporter   ~0022636

Yes, use DFFD.


2012-05-20 12:33

reporter   ~0022638


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-05-20 06:59 webber New Issue
2012-05-20 07:00 webber Tag Attached: minecart travel
2012-05-20 08:20 Kogut Note Added: 0022633
2012-05-20 10:45 webber Note Added: 0022635
2012-05-20 11:43 Quietust Note Added: 0022636
2012-05-20 12:33 webber Note Added: 0022638
2012-05-27 18:22 Toady One Status new => resolved
2012-05-27 18:22 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2012-05-27 18:22 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2012-05-27 18:22 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One