Reporter | Pickerel | Assigned To | user1294 | |
Priority | urgent | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | duplicate | |
OS | OSX | |
Product Version | 0.34.11 | |
Summary | 0006313: Removing any floor bordering a stockpile causes stockpile to empty. |
Description | I was trying to build a structure over the gap where some rivers meet, out of green glass. Eventually, I used the platform I had produced to hold a food stockpile. I needed to rearrange the floor bordering the stockpile into some upward stairs, but didn't want to lose the green glass, so started building under it (was going to be doing so at some point anyway), so may as well use it to catch the falling bars). As soon as the floor tile bordering the stockpile was removed, however, everything in the pile disappeared. I at first thought 'oh shoot, I thought I had made sure there could be no cave-ins there'... but it wasn't a cave-in. The floor was still there. It was merely everything in the stockpile that was gone (and all tasks associated with the items then failed because the 'item was misplaced'). I wondered what was going on, but my dwarves quickly put a few more items in the stockpile, while I checked far below in the river in case they had somehow fallen through the blocks (which it did not)... and then I got to see it: just as the next two blocks were removed, each time everything in the pile was destroyed - disappeared forever. Finally, I did an experiment. I waited, and designated another tile adjacent to the stockpile for removal (albeit at a 45* angle from a corner of the stockpile). It worked: the stockpile emptied, and all tasks associated with all the items that disappeared failed. It's a nice reproducible bug. |
Steps To Reproduce | I haven't tried it in other circumstances, but the specifics are provided in the description: have a structure, have a stockpile on the structure, then remove a floor tile (that's all I tried) directly next to the stockpile. It should reproduce nicely. This was in the open, by the way, in case it matters, not inside. As mentioned, all of the structure was entirely green glass, though I doubt that matters for reproducibility (but haven't tested it). |
Additional Information | I have the save file. I'll make sure not to touch it. E-mail me if you would like me to send it to you (or post below: I might check this bug report). |
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