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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006343Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Tradepublic2014-10-31 13:47
ReporterXolroc Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformSamsung NP305E7AOSWindows 7OS VersionHome Premium SP1
Product Version0.34.11 
Fixed in Version0.40.15 
Summary0006343: Caravans brings small animals/vermin that immediately escape their cages
DescriptionThis is what my announcements log looks like right now:

An elven caravan from Omo Delfini has arrived!
(tame bat) has flown its way out of confinement!
(tame bat) has flown its way out of confinement!

The escapes happen within only a few ticks of the pack animal's arrival.

I'm not sure how to reproduce this, and I unfortunately don't have a prior save to upload. This has happened two years in a row, though, so I'll make sure to get a save before the next caravan comes.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0006117 resolvedToady One Vermin can only escape from artifact animal traps 



2013-06-22 09:04

reporter   ~0024025

You are using a patched version of Dwarf Fortress which fixes bug 0006117, and that particular fix happens to induce the behavior you are observing.


2013-06-22 23:55


I'm leaving this open as a child of the other report so that if the fix is applied the same as the patch, Toady can delve further into it.


2014-08-04 14:59

manager   ~0028319

Changed title due to a number of reports of this behavior in 0.40.xx.


2014-08-04 20:39


This is currently expected given the fix of 0006117 and mentioned there as a side-effect by Quietust 0006117:0023312.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-06-21 11:14 Xolroc New Issue
2013-06-22 09:04 Quietust Note Added: 0024025
2013-06-22 23:53 user11 Relationship added child of 0006117
2013-06-22 23:55 user11 Note Added: 0024027
2014-07-23 10:10 Toady One Relationship replaced related to 0006117
2014-08-04 14:59 lethosor Summary Elven caravan brings bats that immediately escape their cages => Caravans brings small animals/vermin that immediately escape their cages
2014-08-04 14:59 lethosor Note Added: 0028319
2014-08-04 20:39 user11 Note Added: 0028345
2014-08-04 20:39 user11 Assigned To => user11
2014-08-04 20:39 user11 Status new => confirmed
2014-10-31 13:47 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2014-10-31 13:47 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-10-31 13:47 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-10-31 13:47 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One