Reporter | Zorbeltuss | Assigned To | user1294 | |
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | unable to reproduce |
Status | resolved | Resolution | duplicate | |
Product Version | 0.40.01 | |
Summary | 0007036: Adventurer was duplicated was duplicated after unretiring |
Description | My adventurer was duplicated after unretiring, afterwards the character acted as if it was both an npc and an adventurer, when speaking with people I had no control but i was allowed to start conversations, I was also allowed to move the character around 50% of the time whereas the other part was often moving in the other direction it was quite hard to control, was not capable of checking combat as I was not able to get close enough to anyone to engage in that. |
Steps To Reproduce | I assume that the cause was that I was lady of both a cave and a hamlet, especially since the npc part seemed to prioritize going to the one of the places I was lady while I was in the other place, but CTD has been preventing me from proving this. |
Additional Information | I accidentally deleted the save while trying to reproduce this bug. I intended to put a link to it otherwise, sorry. |
Tags | No tags attached. |