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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007223Dwarf FortressDwarf Mode -- Itemspublic2014-08-04 12:37
ReporterSTRD0 Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
OSWindows 8 
Product Version0.40.02 
Fixed in Version0.40.07 
Summary0007223: Statue has improper grammar in description, is not named in reference to content

Statue was created by one of my masons, pictures a yak cow dead of dehydration. It's named only "=chert statue=", not something that I'd expect like "chert statue of a yak cow" or "chert statue of the yak cow", which might be improper as well. In lieu of naming the yak cow in the description and describing what it is doing in the statue, it simply says "Is dead."

I am not sure what causes this and just scurried off to report this upon seeing it.
Steps To ReproduceHave your mason create a statue. I have not tried to reproduce it.
Additional InformationIf you need a text version of the image, or cannot otherwise read it, it is:

=chert statue=

This is an exceptional chert statue.
The item is an exceptionally designed image of the yak cow in chert by Kumil Gusilrigoth. Is dead. The artwork relates to the dehydration of a yak cow in Moonwhip in the midwinter of 250.

(A yak did indeed die of dehydration at my fort as part of the first autumnly caravan that somehow ended up in a tree after going berserk, but it had no kills and it was not special in any way otherwise nor did it have a name.)
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0004971 resolvedToady One Unnamed creatures resulting in ". Is <foo>ing <foo>." descriptions 
related to 0007568 resolvedToady One Masterwork Crafts are announced as incorrect items 



2014-07-13 11:55

reporter   ~0026181

I found another:

I should also note that the caverns are unfound and untouched so this particular event had no reason to show up in a statue unless my mason is psychic. I believe that also connects to why I have various monster/clowns shown "missing" on my missing/dead screen, I'm not sure whether this has been reported or not. This particular glitch might be tied into unannounced events, though.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-13 11:50 STRD0 New Issue
2014-07-13 11:53 user6 Relationship added related to 0004971
2014-07-13 11:55 STRD0 Note Added: 0026181
2014-07-26 06:53 user11 Relationship added related to 0007568
2014-08-02 11:27 user11 Assigned To => user11
2014-08-02 11:27 user11 Status new => acknowledged
2014-08-04 12:37 Toady One Status acknowledged => resolved
2014-08-04 12:37 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-08-04 12:37 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-08-04 12:37 Toady One Assigned To user11 => Toady One