Reporter | belathus | Assigned To | user6 | |
Priority | low | Severity | trivial | Reproducibility | random |
Status | closed | Resolution | duplicate | |
Platform | WINE | OS | Ubuntu | OS Version | 9.10 |
Summary | 0000762: Dwarves haul barrels around after drinking |
Description | I often see military dwarves on their way to do individual training carrying a barrel of whatever they last drank. They get to the barracks, realize they're carrying a barrel of booze, then carry it back and go back to training. I have also seen a bookkeeper carry a barrel of booze for a rather long period of time while updating stockpile records in her office. Sometimes the barrels are empty when I check on them. |
Additional Information | I've not noticed any other of my dwarves carrying booze around other than these two groups.
I even have a saved game where the bookkeeper is in her office, barrel in hand, updating records. As much as I'm sure she loves to keep the stuff on hand while doing such dull work, it is a little selfish, isn't it? |
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