View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0008517 | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Stockpiles | public | 2014-11-05 04:03 | 2014-11-15 14:09 |
Reporter | MichaelB | Assigned To | Toady One | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Platform | x86 | OS | Windows 7 | ||
Product Version | 0.40.14 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.40.17 | ||||
Summary | 0008517: Problems deleting stockpile links with workshops | ||||
Description | If a stockpile is linked to take from one workshop and give to another workshop you cannot delete the take link and deleting the give link also removes the take link. Making multiple give-take pairs results in one take being removed with each give and no ability to remove any of the takes. 3 gives and 1 take - the take disappears when one of the gives is removed, the other 2 gives are removed normally 3 takes and 1 give - takes other than the bottom listed one can be selected for removal however the link below the one marked for removal is actually removed. Removing the give also removes the take below it, remaining takes are removed as per normal. Give/take links between stockpiles work fine and don't affect any of the above behaviours (that I noticed anyway) | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1) Build 2 workshops and 1 stockpile 2) Link the stockpile to give to one workshop and take from another 3) Try to delete the take link [fail] 4) Try to delete the give link [delete both] | ||||
Additional Information | Reproduced in vanilla 40.14 I can upload a save if needed but this should be very easy to replicate. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
I never had any problems with that. Are you using any mods? |
As mentioned in the additional information, this was reproduced with a vanilla 40.14 install, I'll try with the latest version tonight to make sure. Also, the problems only occurred for me linking with multiple workshops, links between stockpiles are fine. Edit: reproduced the results with vanilla 40.15. Here is the save for comparison. |
Reproduced in 0.40.15. Edit: The same applies to additional links - creating two "give" links and two "take" links and deleting the second "give" link will also delete the second "take" link. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2014-11-05 04:03 | MichaelB | New Issue | |
2014-11-06 07:19 | latias1290 | Note Added: 0030884 | |
2014-11-09 19:01 | MichaelB | Note Added: 0030936 | |
2014-11-09 19:02 | MichaelB | Note Edited: 0030936 | |
2014-11-10 01:11 | MichaelB | Note Edited: 0030936 | |
2014-11-10 01:13 | MichaelB | Note Edited: 0030936 | |
2014-11-10 17:04 | lethosor | Note Added: 0030949 | |
2014-11-10 17:04 | lethosor | Assigned To | => lethosor |
2014-11-10 17:04 | lethosor | Status | new => confirmed |
2014-11-10 17:07 | lethosor | Note Edited: 0030949 | |
2014-11-11 15:24 | MichaelB | Note Edited: 0030936 | |
2014-11-15 14:09 | Toady One | Status | confirmed => resolved |
2014-11-15 14:09 | Toady One | Fixed in Version | => 51.06 |
2014-11-15 14:09 | Toady One | Resolution | open => fixed |
2014-11-15 14:09 | Toady One | Assigned To | lethosor => Toady One |