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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008548Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Townpublic2014-11-18 14:25
ReporterButtery_Mess Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version7
Product Version0.40.16 
Fixed in Version0.40.17 
Summary0008548: Crash when moving in town
DescriptionUnidentified crash when moving in town.
Steps To ReproduceMove in any direction for a few paces to reproduce crash.
Additional Information
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0008290 resolvedToady One Repeatable crash in occupied/abandoned town 



2014-11-14 12:41

reporter   ~0030984

Last edited: 2014-11-14 12:42

I'm not home ATM so I can't check the save, but the vague description sounds exactly like 0008290

Edit: though ill have to grab the 40.16 version, but that's not an issue


2014-11-14 14:22

reporter   ~0030992

Last edited: 2014-11-14 14:24

Okay, I checked out the save and it's exactly the same behavior as in 0008290, that is, a repeatable crash in town with unknown cause (though I suspect army related), the time to crash is variable, and happens anywhere in town. While the town itself isn't conquered or abandoned, I've posted a save in that report of a town which isn't conquered or abandoned (NEARLY abandoned though), but displays the same crash behavior.

So, I'd call this a duplicate of 0008290.


2014-11-14 15:06

reporter   ~0030993

This wasn't actually caused by going near the keep- moving in any direction caused it. It seems to occur at any location inside the town.


2014-11-14 15:18

reporter   ~0030994

Yeah, that's actually what I thought initially over in my bug report (0008290), but further testing showed that it happened anywhere, not just near the keep.


2014-11-17 09:57

reporter   ~0031034

Last edited: 2014-11-17 10:06

No idea whether I should continue posting my own uploads in my crash report (0008290) or do it here, anyway, here's one from 40.16

It's a tiny town, so everything is near the keep, it also has loads of goblin outcasts and human outcasts. Move pretty much any direction and it'll crash.

Also to note, this town doesn't crash at night. I also gave cats the [IMMOBILE] tag to stop them from causing lag due to the pathfinding, so don't worry about the cats not moving.

Toady One

2014-11-18 14:25

administrator   ~0031066

Last edited: 2014-11-18 14:25

Yeah, checked the save, and this is the same as 0008290. There was an issue with market banter.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-11-14 08:29 Buttery_Mess New Issue
2014-11-14 12:41 smjjames Note Added: 0030984
2014-11-14 12:42 smjjames Note Edited: 0030984
2014-11-14 14:22 smjjames Note Added: 0030992
2014-11-14 14:24 smjjames Note Edited: 0030992
2014-11-14 15:06 Buttery_Mess Note Added: 0030993
2014-11-14 15:18 smjjames Note Added: 0030994
2014-11-15 08:14 user6 Relationship added related to 0008290
2014-11-17 09:57 smjjames Note Added: 0031034
2014-11-17 10:00 smjjames Note Edited: 0031034
2014-11-17 10:05 smjjames Note Edited: 0031034
2014-11-17 10:06 smjjames Note Edited: 0031034
2014-11-18 14:25 Toady One Note Added: 0031066
2014-11-18 14:25 Toady One Status new => resolved
2014-11-18 14:25 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2014-11-18 14:25 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2014-11-18 14:25 Toady One Assigned To => Toady One
2014-11-18 14:25 Toady One Note Edited: 0031066