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0008585Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Conversationpublic2015-12-22 14:38
ReporterZiusudra Assigned ToToady One  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86_64OSArch LinuxOS VersionRolling
Product Version0.40.14 
Fixed in Version0.42.04 
Summary0008585: NPCs always say a site is in the region they are in
DescriptionSpeaker is in the region "The Jungles of Competing", says these sites are in it as well:
Vera Cequovamaci, Elf Doctor: Oracledeeps the Ditch of Flukes is in The Jungles of Competing. In 86, the cyclops Ber Sculptedbreached the Russet Light was struck down by Mimale Silkenticked in Oracledeeps the Ditch of Flukes.
Vera Cequovamaci, Elf Doctor: Labordark is in The Jungles of Competing.

Both of those site are in the region "The Mechanical Hill", speaker knows where that region is:
Vera Cequovamaci, Elf Doctor: The Mechanical Hill is nearly a day's travel to the southwest. Savage beasts call it their home. Giant wrens roam freely out there.

While this site:
Vera Cequovamaci, Elf Doctor: The Shaft of Apexes is in The Jungles of Competing.

Is actually in:
Vera Cequovamaci, Elf Doctor: The Tower of Cavities is a day's travel to the southwest. Savage beasts call it their home. Giant bobcats roam freely out there.

Vera Cequovamaci, Elf Doctor: Tempestbrushes is in The Jungles of Competing. In the midsummer of 39, the roc Resmi Hairygrove the Dune of Grizzle devoured Thithu Mistycarried in Tempestbrushes.

Is in:
Vera Cequovamaci, Elf Doctor: The Jungle of Teeth is a half day's travel to the northeast. In 118, the twilight monster wife Ameli Sensedmusic was struck down by the goblin Snamoz Thiefhandle in The Jungle of Teeth.

This speaker was in The Mechanical Hill and this site:
Gloom Ogress Mate: Willsquid is in The Mechanical Hill. In 1, The West Hill of The Waning Tail founded Willsquid.

Is in:
Gloom Ogress Mate: The Jungle of Teeth is a half day's travel to the north. In 118, the twilight monster wife Ameli Sensedmusic was struck down by the goblin Snamoz Thiefhandle in The Jungle of Teeth.
Steps To ReproduceAsk about surrounding area
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parent of 0008795 resolvedToady One When asking for directions to somebody false location of their home site is obtained instead 
has duplicate 0008630 resolveduser6 People say faraway locations are in their region when asked for directions 
has duplicate 0010318 resolveduser1294 Dwarves report incorrect region rumors locally 



2014-11-26 00:08

reporter   ~0031190

Confirmed with new 40.18 world.

Some of the troubles/rumors, those that mention sites in a different region than the speaker is in, have the region correct and some don't.

The region in this rumor is correct:
Lic Dofzicab, lady: Our people have been pestered by skulking villains. They have a camp called Kumbis somewhere in The Smooth Blizzard.
You: Tell me about this area.
Lic Dofzicab, lady: Kumbis is in The Hills of Fading.

The region in this rumor is not:
Ketas Ash bdof, first yearling: A creature of the night has our people cowering in fear. Ashcrypts is in The Hills of Fading. Seek this place if you hunt Osman Skulltunneled the lumbering ogress. This vile fiend has killed three in her lust for murder!

Ashcrypts is in:
You: Tell me about this area.
Ketas Ash bdof, first yearling: The Hill of Requirements is a day's travel to the west. Kakapo roam freely out there.

Of course they are "rumors" so I could see this part being intentional.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-11-25 02:30 Ziusudra New Issue
2014-11-26 00:08 Ziusudra Note Added: 0031190
2014-12-19 06:41 user6 Relationship added has duplicate 0008630
2014-12-19 06:41 user6 Assigned To => user6
2014-12-19 06:41 user6 Status new => confirmed
2015-02-08 06:57 user1294 Relationship added parent of 0008795
2015-12-22 14:38 Toady One Status confirmed => resolved
2015-12-22 14:38 Toady One Fixed in Version => 51.06
2015-12-22 14:38 Toady One Resolution open => fixed
2015-12-22 14:38 Toady One Assigned To user6 => Toady One
2017-11-02 04:33 user1294 Relationship added has duplicate 0010318