Reporter | tps12 | Assigned To | | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | new | Resolution | open | |
Platform | Linux | OS | Ubuntu | OS Version | 14.04 |
Product Version | 0.40.24 | |
Summary | 0008850: Outpost liaison hangs out in memorial hall instead of meeting with mayor |
Description | See thread starting at http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=139998.msg6087415#msg6087415: it seems like having meeting areas defined around buildings (well, slab, statue, etc.) causes the liaison to just hang around with the idling dwarves instead of finding the mayor. |
Steps To Reproduce | I had a meeting area defined around a well plus several memorial halls defined around slabs, and it seemed like the liaison would just bounce back and forth between different meeting areas. Freeing the areas fixed the issue, the liaison went straight to the mayor's office.
In the thread someone suggested that the problem was parties, so maybe the liaison is party hopping? So maybe there need to be parties going on for this to occur. |
Additional Information | World created in 0.40.16. |
Tags | No tags attached. |