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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008901Dwarf FortressAdventure Mode -- Inventorypublic2015-04-04 12:18
ReporterElagn Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.40.24 
Summary0008901: Hot items can be stored fine in backpacks, as long as weapons are drawn.
DescriptionHigh temperature items, such as body parts from creatures that are made of fire, can be stored perfectly well in cloth backpacks, picked up, dropped, and thrown, as long as both hands are full. If the hands are not full, especialy if the object is in on of the hands, the person will light on fire, even if they sheath their weapons while the item is in a backpack, they will light on fire. If their hands are free, dropping, picking it up, or throwing it can all light the person on fire.

The backpack takes no damage from containing an item composed of flame.
Steps To ReproduceFind a creature made of fire. Either chop of a body part or shatter it's body. Pick up one of the parts that remains.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-04-04 12:18 Elagn New Issue