Reporter | nshapter | Assigned To | | |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | new | Resolution | open | |
Platform | Macbook Pro | OS | OSX | OS Version | Yosemite |
Product Version | 0.40.24 | |
Summary | 0008960: Fallen fruit gathering does not respect activity zones |
Description | Dwarves gather fallen fruit regardless of activity zones, both for storage in stockpiles and use in brewing. They also do so one at a time, not using barrels or pots to speed up the operation. |
Steps To Reproduce | designate a suitable area for fruit gathering and leave some good fruit trees outside of the area. Set up a food stockpile to accept fruit and leaves. Alternatively set up a still with orders to brew fruit while there are fruits on the ground outside of any designated fruit gathering zone. |
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